Thermonuclear reactions as a Source of Solar Energy
That every day the sun radiates light to the earth and also to other planets exist in our own solar, is the source of life for all living beings on this earth. Transmitting solar energy reaching the earth has been ongoing since about 5 billion years ago and will continue until an unknown time.
Solar energy is as if nothing was going to run out, interesting to watch because it was the source of the sun's energy comes from thermonuclear reactions are very powerful and generates heat in the order of millions of degrees Celsius. Because the source of solar energy comes from thermonuclear reactions, means energy can be reduced and eventually will run out when the reactants involved in the thermonuclear reaction has been reacted. If the reactant that reacts has been exhausted, then the sun will be extinguished and this means death to all living beings on this earth. This paper will discuss how the thermonuclear reaction could occur in the sun, how much heat it produces and when the thermonuclear reaction will stop or when the sun goes out.
The temperature of the Sun
According to modern astronomers who study the existence of the stars in the universe, our sun is one star among which there are 100 million stars in a galaxy group or groups of stars called "Milky Way". The sun is a star that actually includes an average amount compared to the size of other stars. Many other stars are much larger in size than the size of our sun. The diameter of the sun 1.4 million kilometers, which means 100 times the diameter of the earth. Sun's gravity is stronger than the gravity on Earth, which is 28 times stronger than Earth's gravity. Light bintangpun is a much more light which means its temperature is much hotter than the temperature of our sun. The sun looks very large compared with scattered stars in the universe because it was relatively very close to the earth, which is about 150 million kilometers. The closest star to Earth is Alpha Centauri star a distance 40,000,000,000,000 kilometers from earth. How does the position of the sun to the earth and other planets in our solar system can be seen in Figure 1. The sun as a nuclear kitchen produces extremely high heat that results from the thermonuclear reactions that occur in the sun. The temperature at the center of the sun (the nucleus) is estimated to reach more than 14 million º C, while its surface temperature is relatively cool, around 5000-6000 º C.
The structure of the sun consists of several parts, which is in the center called the "core of the sun", then part of the core of the sun to the solar surface called the "photosphere". On the surface there is a section called "sunspots" which appear darker, because the temperature is relatively cooler than other parts. Temperatures sunspots around 4000 º C, cooler than the temperature at the surface of the sun, so naturally if it appears darker when viewed with the "coronagraph".
Solar Atmosphere
Sun's atmosphere located above the surface of the sun, mostly in the form of hydrogen gas. Solar atmosphere consists of 2 main parts, namely "chromospher" and "corona". Section thickness of the chromosphere can reach 12,000 kilometers from the sun's surface, while the corona looks like a white crown that circles the sun. Corona can reach heights up to hundreds of thousands even millions of kilometers from the surface matahari.Suhu the chromosphere and the corona is very much different. Chromosphere which is located on the solar surface temperatures around 5,000 º C, while temperatures in the corona can reach around 10000-100000 º C, or even higher.
Temperature corona is much hotter than the chromosphere temperature, whereas more distant from the sun's core could raise questions among experts astronomy and astrophysics. Higher temperatures in the corona was due to a "very strong shock wave" that originated from the photosphere into turbulent motion that heats the gas layer in the corona. Apart from that, on the surface of the chromosphere often occurs due to the eruption of flame or a gas explosion on the surface of the chromosphere. The eruption or explosion caused flames is often referred to as "Prominence". This flame can reach a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the surface of the chromosphere. Prominence can be seen clearly in the event of a total solar eclipse.
Another event that occurs on the surface of the chromosphere is the emergence of gas filament chromosphere due to the movement of hot gases. Filament this gas on the surface of the chromosphere appears as a coarse cells called "supergranulation". Such incidents occur one after another over the menyebebkan emergence of "Plage" and "flare". Plage is a state when the hot sun and bright light. While the flares are bursts of high energy from the sun's surface, in the form of sub atomic particle radiation. These sub-atomic particle radiation to reach the Earth's atmosphere and trigger a nuclear reaction which is the source radiaasi kosmogenis.
Thermonuclear reaction
It has long been the thought of where it came from the sun's energy is so hot and transmitted to Earth every day, but until now there has been also been a source of energy. Until the mid 19th century, when people are not familiar with nuclear reactions, people still think that solar energy comes from a large fireball is extremely hot. If it is true that the sun comes from a large fireball, then the question arises what is the fuel that fire ball? The scientists at that time can not answer correctly. Could it be wood, coal, oil or other fuel contained in the sun that burned under ordinary chemical reaction that leads into the huge fireball? If the correct materials are burned to generate solar energy, and based on the calculation of chemical reaction, the energy produced can only survive a few thousand years. After that the sun would be extinguished. Though the sun has been emitting energy since even the order of hundreds of millions of billion years ago. Thus, the assumption that the source of the sun's energy comes from wood, coal, oil or other fuels is not true. The experts of astronomy and astrophysics at the time also has been estimated that the chemical elements on Earth are also found in the sun. But most of the chemical elements contained in the sun, about 80% of hydrogen gas. While there is lots of second element in the sun is helium gas, approximately 19% of the total mass of the sun. The remaining 1% consists of the elements Oxygen, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Silicon, Carbon, Sulfur, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Nickel, and several other elements. Chemical elements are mixed together in the form of sub-atomic gas consisting of nuclei, electrons, protons, neutrons and positrons. Gas sub-atomic energy emits very very hot so-called "plasma". Solar energy is emitted into the earth in various forms of electromagnetic waves, ranging from long radio waves and the short wave infrared rays, visible light waves, ultraviolet rays and x-ray wave. In the visual senses that can be captured by the eye is visible light, infrared rays while felt as heat. Other forms of electromagnetic waves can only be captured with the aid of special equipment, such as nuclear detector follows other devices. At the time the sun had Plage energy that emit very, very hot, then followed by the occurrence of flares are bursts of sub-atomic particles out of the sun heading into space, then the solar system is estimated to have been a very powerful thermonuclear reaction. This condition was first suspected in 1939 by a German-American physicist named Hans Bethe. According to Bethe, solar energy is very very hot because it was caused by the fusion reaction or mild core merging into a heavier nucleus. Thermonuclear reaction in the form of a fusion reaction is the incorporation of 4 core hydrogen into helium nucleus, based on the following nuclear reaction equations: (H1 + H1 -> H2 + Beta + + v + 0.42 MeV) x 2
(H1 + H2 -> he3 + Gamma + 5.5 MeV) x 2
He3 he3 + -> 2H1 + He4 + 12.8 MeV
---------------------------------------- +
H1 -> He4 + 2Beta + + 2Gamma + 2v + 24.64 MeV
According to Bethe, nuclear reaction similar fusion reactions mentioned above, can generate heat energy very, very powerful. Apart from that, because most of the mass of the sun is composed of hydrogen gas (80%) and helium gas (19%), then there is the possibility of other fusion reactions based on proton-proton chain reaction as follows:
H1 + H1 -> H2 + Beta + + v
H1 + H2 -> he3 + Gamma
He3 + He4 -> Be7 + Gamma
Be7 + Beta + -> Li7 + Gamma + v
------------------------------------ +
Li7 + H1 -> He4 + He4
Helium gas formation on the basis of thermonuclear reactions mentioned above also generate energy that is very very hot. Alternatively, the helium gas may also be formed through the following nuclear reaction:
Be7 + H1 -> B8 + Gamma
B8 -> Be8 + Beta + + v
Be8 -> He4 + He4
Although the above mentioned nuclear reaction to produce energy is very, very hot, there are other possibilities for the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions that produce solar energy far more powerful and hotter again. Thermonuclear reaction will follow the chain of nuclear reaction Carbon - Nitrogen as follows:
C12 + H1 -> N13 + Gamma
N13 -> C13 + Beta + + v
C13 + H1 -> N14 + Gamma
N14 + H1 -> O15 + Gamma
O15 -> N15 + Beta + + v
N15 + H1 -> C12 + He4
Reaction ratai Carbon - Nitrogen mentioned above, producing heat much hotter than the chain reaction Proton - Proton and hydrogen into helium fusion reactions. Thermonuclear reactions described above may occur in the sun and also at the stars scattered in the universe. Thermonuclear reactions so far considered as a source of solar energy and energy star. The star that shines brighter than our sun, which means also that the temperatures are much hotter, then the thermonuclear reactions that occur on these stars generally will follow the chain reaction of Carbon - Nitrogen.
When did the Sun Will Off?
The question of when the sun goes out is a difficult question to answer with certainty, especially if it should prove true. But just as human curiosity to find out how old the earth or when the formation of this earth, then the ahlipun attempt by minds to estimate when the sun goes out. As has been explained in advance, that the sun will be extinguished when the thermonuclear reactions in the sun has stopped. When the sun goes out, then life on earth will cease. Empirically has proven that there are stars who shine brightly at first, but then the more its light is dim and finally goes out. This situation has been recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope. On this basis it can be just the sun at some point will be extinguished. A German physicist, Hermann von Helmholtz, in 1825 observed the development of the diameter of the sun that turns the sun every year shrank 85 m. If the Helmholtz observation is correct, then based on the calculation of depreciation diameter of the sun, aging sun will only last for 20 million to 25 million years from the sun experienced shrinkage. For that period, the Helmholtz theory is quite satisfactory to the scientists, before finally aborted by the theory of thermonuclear reactions that still survive to this day. On the basis of thermonuclear theory of Helmholtz's theory, of course, be incorrect, because in reality the sun has been shining since the order of 5 billion years ago or even more than that, an age that exceeds the estimated Helmholtz. Thermonuclear reactions proposed by Hans Bethe as has been described above, is similar to conventional chemical reactions in the sense that the reaction is still to take place during still available or reactant elements that cause a thermonuclear reaction is the process. In the thermonuclear reactions that occur in the sun, as the main reactant is hydrogen gas. Astronomy and astrophysics experts argue that with increasing age of the sun, the use of hydrogen for thermonuclear reactions in order to get the energy growing very, very hot. In this event the energy generated by thermonuclear reactions also increases, so the radiant energy emitted by the sun also increases. This means the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will rise and the earth will be felt increasingly panas.Apabila opinions of experts on astronomy and astrophysics is true, that with increasing age of the sun will make the supply of Hydrogen gas on the surface of the sun decreases, then it is clear that sooner or later the sun finally will be extinguished. Based on this theory of solar radiation energy is estimated to still be able to survive for a period of approximately 10 billion years from now, after the sun goes out. An example of a star is currently in the process leading to the situation goes out, has to be recorded by the space telescope picture Hublle. This empirically shows the possibility that the same could happen to our sun. Namu what happens will happen before waku 10,000,000,000. year occur? In theory the way to the time 10,000,000,000. , the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will continue to rise due to energy radiation coming from the sun grew hot. This situation will cause the ice in the north and south poles will melt resulting in tenggelammnya some land or shoreline will be shifted towards the mainland. Cities that were on the beach will be drowned. This is just the beginning of disaster for human life on this earth. The next disaster is menguapnya all the water on this earth, because the temperature of the earth's atmosphere the more heat that ultimately there is no water on earth. Earth menjadin dry with no water at all and the hot temperature causes the termination of life on this earth. This condition occurs aka approaching 10 billion years ahead of time to come.
When the sun runs out of hydrogen gas reactants, the thermonuclear reaction is really going to quit and this means the sun goes out. That have been extinguished sun will mengeci; l (menyusust) to a smaller planets that cold freezes called "White Dwarfs" or the white dwarf which is not more sun! Example of a star or planet that has become a "white dwarf" in the universe has quite a lot, one of the only planet in the star is currently heading the death as recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Binding energy, mass defect and binding energy core
Similar charges close together have rejected the so-called repulsive coulomb force. Repulsion between protons in the nucleus refused tend urgent protons out of the nucleus.
Two mass (nucleon) adjacent to each other have the attraction force called gravity.
Mathematically the force of gravity is much smaller than the coulomb force, so it is clear there must be another force that is able to overcome the coulomb force for protons remain in the core. This style is called Ikat Style Style Pull Core or Core or Nuclear Force.
The mass of an atom can be measured using an instrument called a Mass Spectrometer. The mass of stable nuclei that can be obtained from the measurement results are always smaller than the number of constituent masses. The excess mass of the above is called mass defect.
According to Einstein's the difference between the mass of the core with the core constituent mass converted to energy in the core called Core Energy Tie.
Core division
If a shot with heavy core particles, heavy nucleus can be split into two lighter nuclei. This event is called the core division or fission. Mass after the reaction will be smaller than the mass before the reaction. Mass reduction will be accompanied by a large release of energy.
Examples of well-known fission reactions happen in a nuclear reactor. An neutron were fired at the core of uranium-235. The result is uranium-236 with a short life because it is unstable. Uranium-236 immediately broke out into another element which is barium-141 and krypton-92 with fast neutrons.
Not always the core of the resulting light is Ba-141 and Kr-92. Many possible pairs are produced. Neutrons produced would
different for each reaction. Will average 2 to 5 neutrons produced in reaction to the shooting of uranium-235 by neutrons.
If one who was shot just uranium atoms with neutrons will be produced several fast neutrons. Some of these neutrons will strike again a few atoms of uranium and will produce more neutrons. This event will continue to repeat with fast neutrons produces more and will involve more uranium nuclei. Nuclear reaction is called a chain reaction. If this is not controlled chain reaction would involve a very large energy. This happens in the atomic bomb. If the nuclear reaction is controlled, the energy will be obtained which is very useful for mankind. This occurred at a nuclear reactor.
Core Merger
The opposite of fission, the nucleus incorporation reaction in which two light nuclei combine into a heavier nucleus compared to each core. This reaction is called fusion. Heavier nucleus here that does not mean the reaction mass after the core becomes larger than the mass before the reaction. On the contrary, the mass after the reaction is mild compared to the mass before the reaction so that the released energy.
Understanding heavier core meaning is the result of the reaction mass number larger than the mass number of each core of the reactants (reagents).
To incorporate the core, the core must be brought near-core. It takes great energy to do this in order to withstand the force repelling the nucleus to be treated. For this purpose, each core must have high speed so that the repulsive force can be overcome. Core that has high speed is obtained only if the core temperature is very high.
The reaction requires high temperature is called thermonuclear reaction. Thermonuclear reaction is more pronounced in the sun and stars that have a high temperature.
Examples of fusion reaction is a reaction that occurs in stars and the sun.
Examples of other fusion reactions are the hydrogen bomb detonation event. Atomic bomb was detonated at Nagasaki and Hiroshima is a fission reaction, while the hydrogen bomb is the result of uncontrolled fusion reaction.
To get very high temperatures, used first fission bomb. Heat obtained allows fusion reactions. So the hydrogen bomb, there are two nuclear reactions are fission and fusion with fission only as a tool to obtain very high temperatures.
Fission Reaction
is the fission reactions of heavy nuclei into lighter nuclei and elementary particles, accompanied by a large release of energy.
In a fission reaction of lithium shot core with protons so that split into two light helium nucleus.
If the atomic mass of each nukleda is: = 1.007825 u,
= 7.016003 u,
= 4.002602 u,
Calculate the energy released in these reactions?
+ + + Q
Q = ((1.007825 + 7.016003 + 4.002602)) 931 MeV = 17.3 MeV
So for every atom which divides the energy released at 17.3 MeV.
Who sparked the atomic fission reaction?
People of Fission Reaction:
Fusion Reaction
is a reaction to the merger of two light nuclei into heavier nuclei and elementary particles, accompanied by a very large release of energy.
why the fusion reaction is called thermonuclear reaction?
to combine light nuclei required a very high temperature, which is about 1108 OC, so-called reaction thermonuclear fusion reactions.
The fusion reaction produces a very powerful energy.
What is to be controlled thermonuclear reaction in the reactor?
To control the thermonuclear reaction in the reactor required special conditions, namely:
1. The temperature must be very high at around 1108 OC;
2. At that temperature all the atoms have been ionized to form plasma;
3. Requires funds and knowledge is very high.
Where can we find the fusion reaction?
Applications Fusion Reaction:
1. Nuclear fusion reactions in stars (the Sun)
Reaction equation, there are 3 stages:
The first and second reaction occurs twice to produce, both positron eliminate each other with an electron and produce electromagnetic radiation with energies of 1.02 MeV, so that briefly above reaction can
2. Nuclear fusion reaction in hydrogen bomb
The reaction equation:
Reaction Core
is the process of change that occurs in the nucleus of an atom due to collision with another particle or a place by itself.
Nuclear reaction was discovered by Rutherford in 1919.
Nucleus Reaction equation:
Q: heat (joules)
X: The core objective
Y: the new Core
a: Particle shooter
b: The particles produced with the new core
The laws of what underlies the nuclear reaction?
Nucleus Reaction equation:
The laws in effect on the nuclear reaction is:
Legal kekekalam momentum, namely: the amount of momentum before and after the collision is the same.
Humum conservation of energy, namely: the amount of energy before and after the collision is the same.
The law of conservation of atomic number, namely: the number of atomic numbers before and after the collision is the same. then R + S = T + U
The law of conservation of mass number, ie: the amount of momentum before and after the collision is the same. then M + N = O + P
Bagamana how to calculate the energy released / required in nuclear reaction?
Formulas for calculating the energy released / required in nuclear reaction:
1. Q = Ep. N
Q: total energy (joules)
Ep: 1 count each reaction energy = (joules)
N: number of particles
2. Q =
Q: total energy (MeV)
: The number of atomic mass of the reactants (sma)
: Atomic mass number of products (sma)
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