Kamis, 25 November 2010


5 Stages of Sleep

Sleep, who among us that never sleeps? But, have we ever know what and how exactly the process that occurs when we sleep?
From the very get up till we get up again, exactly the process we go through 5 stages. The five stages are:
1. Fully aware
By the time we wake up / fully conscious, the brain out with very high frequency waves, called beta brain waves.
2. The first stage of sleep
At the moment we are getting sleepy, your brain out of alpha brain waves (a type of beta brain waves with a frequency slightly lower) and less theta brain waves. At this stage, the body becomes relaxed and the heart rate becomes low. The first stage is often we experience, perhaps unwittingly, for example when studying in class, listening to lectures, or on a sunny day, calm, and peaceful. The first stage can be described as "the entrance to the bed".
3. The second stage of sleep
In phase two, we experience patterns of brain waves called sleep spindles, and K-Complexes. These are the sudden activity of the brain, where the brain seems to "auto-off". At this stage, we are still very easy to be aroused. Most people are woken up when in this stage to say "I'm still awake."
4. The third and fourth stages of sleep (deep sleep)
At this stage we otherwise really sleep. At this time, the brain out brain waves with the lowest frequency, called delta brain waves. Blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate reached the lowest stage. Dilated blood vessels, and most of the blood that is usually stored in organs go to repair muscle.
5. The fifth stage of sleep (REM sleep)
So far scientists do not know what the purpose of this phase. This stage is also known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, because at this stage of our eyes move rapidly in all directions (but of course the eye was still inside the cavity of the eye). At this stage too, we usually have dreams. 95% of people experiencing these dreams in REM sleep. Another uniqueness of REM sleep is, in contrast to other phases of sleep, the brain precisely at this issue with the frequency of brain waves are very high, like when we are fully awake.
Sleep Cycle
When we sleep, we actually have all five stages were repeated. For more details, see the following sequence: in general, the stages in the sleep cycle we follow the following pattern: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM ... ... in which each cycle occurs about every 60-100 minutes, is different in each person.
Two important facts that we can observe from the above sequence is:
1. Decreased sleep duration continue as we sleep. The first time occurred, the duration of sleep (sleep stage 4) is quite long, but the more we approach when you wake up, becoming much shorter duration, even disappear.
2. REM sleep duration is increasing, as we sleep. At the first moment of sleep, we do not experience REM sleep. Consider getting closer to wake, REM sleep duration was longer. We can now notice that the duration for each of the different sleep stages.
Benefits of sleep stage
When we lack sleep, we'll feel weak, tired, headache, muscle pain, and difficulty concentrating.
Because deep sleep is considered important to maintain physical function of the body, get a sound sleep at the beginning of the longest duration of sleep. Even if we lack sleep, your body will give priority to sacrifice sleep and other stages. This resulted in a deep sleep almost impossible to miss during sleep.
Our immune system is active during sleep. That's why when we sleep more pain.
Benefits of Sleep Stage REM.
Lack of REM sleep stages also caused disruption at the time we wake up, especially the difficulties in this konsentrasi.Sejauh, scientists do not know what exactly the functions provided by this REM sleep.
However, REM sleep is not considered significant in maintaining physical function tubuh.Namun, scientists theorize that we absorb most of the learning at the time awake during REM sleep. This explains why babies spend most of his time sleeping, 50% of sleep time is REM sleep.
Sleep Clock
There is a mechanism in our bodies that regulate our sleep quality is determined by how deep and how long we sleep. This mechanism is called the body clock. But since we're talking about sleep, this term will be changed to the sleep clock. Sleep clock, is a system that underlie and regulate our sleep and energy.
Sleep clock has 4 main variables that affect our sleep:
1. Circadian Rhythm
The first part, and most importantly, from the sleep clock is Circadian Rhythm. Circadian Rhythm is a rhythm of body temperature. The temperature of our bodies, actually is not constant 37o C, but the rise and fall in line an hour increase in one day. Differences in body temperature that occurs in about 2o C. When body temperature rises, we become more awake and energetic, while the body temperature down when we become more tired and lazy. Body temperature rhythm is causing us to feel sleepy and woke up at the same hour every day .. Consider again the graph above.
In general, our body temperature will rise in the morning until it reaches the peak at about noon in the afternoon, then body temperature will decrease until it reaches its lowest point before increasing again. In addition, we can see that in the day our body temperature had dropped. This explains why during the day sometimes we feel sleepy and need a nap. However, because of the demands of social life, we sometimes resist the urge to sleep is, for example by consuming caffeine like coffee. Every person has a body temperature rhythm of each.
Normally, our body temperature rhythm will follow the same pattern. For example, if during the time we always get up at 6:00, then, regardless of hours we sleep, whether at 19.00, 21:00, 23:00, or 1.00, our body temperature will begin to increase in at 6:00. When we are sleepy in the next 4 hours, this means that at that period of time our body temperature increases slowly, and not yet reached its peak. Most people experience the culmination of body temperature at 6:00 p.m. to 19:00 hours.
If an when we get up early, at 4:00 for example, this does not make our body temperature is increased in at 4:00, our body temperature will remain low and only increased in at 6:00 as usual, and may make you sleepy during the 6 hours later (not 4 hours). This is the cause to get up earlier than usual, often feel very heavy!
If our body temperature rhythm is too flat (less increased or decreased), we will have difficulty achieving deep sleep. The difficulty of this sleep will not be discussed in detail in this paper. Maybe sometime I will make a special article about the trouble sleeping.
We can perform the appropriate action to optimize our body temperature rhythm, so that we can sleep less but have more energy. Change the rhythm of body temperature is not simple. Many people who experience jet lag because of sleep clock can not change them quickly. Optimization of this clock sleep I will discuss in a separate article later.
2. Melatonin and sunlight
The second important factor of sleep clock is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that formed the pineal gland and retina. Melatonin duty to make us fall asleep and restoring physical energy while we sleep. If melatonin is high, we will feel drowsy, weak, etc..
Melatonin levels in the body depends on the amount of sunlight received by the eye in one day. Much sunlight will slow down the formation of melatonin, whereas lack of sunlight will make the rapid increase in the amount of melatonin which resulted in the emergence of feeling sleepy, tired, etc..
This explains why the bad lighting in the classroom that we are more easily sleepy. To optimize our sleep clock, get enough sunlight meruapakan an obligation.
3. Level activity
The number of movements and cardiovascular exercises are carried out during the night a big impact on our body temperature rhythm. In general there are four benefits that can be obtained:
• Rapid increase in body temperature that can be very useful for the system to sleep.
• Increase peak body temperature during the day and increase our energy levels.
• Slowing the decline in body temperature the next day, makes us awake longer.
• body temperature down drasis at the end of the day so sleep more soundly.
4. Waking in the previous day
Waking us in the previous day was also very influential on the sleep clock, because the previous waking is associated with 3 factors before this. Longer maintained, we can perform a higher level of activity. In addition, almost awake longer means that we also met more sunlight.
Therefore, if we go to bed 8-9 hours per day and still feel weak, this may mean we need less sleep. We sleep too much and should increase waking to get to sleep more soundly and rhythm of body temperature that is more balanced.
Many people think the body during sleep to reduce its activity. they are not. activities undertaken only different in kind saja.Tubuh during sleep, will try to correct the chemical imbalance of the body, how to prepare proper blood sugar levels for the next day, maintain memory function, and many other things, even some not yet disclosed by the ahli.Tanda signs of life such as consciousness, puls, and respiratory rate changes. In normal sleep normally functioning motor nerve and sensory nerves. activities that require coordination with the central nervous system will be in the blockade, so that during sleep tend to not move and the power tanggappun reduced.
There are 6 reasons given The Harvard Women's Health Watch about why adequate sleep is important:
Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain to receive new information into the memory through a process called memory consolidation (memory consolidation). In the study, people who slept after learning something to do with a better test.
Metabolism and weight: a chronic lack of sleep can cause weight gain by affecting the way to process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
Security: Lack of sleep causes people tend to fall asleep in the daytime. This incident can cause errors, such as medical error or traffic accidents
Mood: Lack of sleep can cause irritability, impatience, difficulty concentrating, and easily depressed. Too little sleep can also cause us to be tired of doing something we liked.
Healthy heart and veins: a serious disease insomnia related to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and abnormal heartbeat.
Disease: Sleep deprivation alter immune functions, including killer cell activity in the body. Adequate sleep may also help fight cancer. also
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the average most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to feel well rested.
According to researchers from the UK report, written by Jane E. Ferrie, PhD from University College London Medical School, too much or too little sleep can increase your risk of death.
Well, it means good sleep between 7-8 hours. Nighttime is the best time to sleep. Naturally be seen that during the day is a more suitable time for work and at night used to rest or sleep.
Effect of sleeping position 
Dr. Jeffrey Lindenbaum, an expert on bone disease mainly associated with sleep problems, which is also spokesman for the American Osteopathic Association, said that a good sleeping position is that not cause the load on the spine, muscles and nerves.
The best position to health is like a baby's sleeping position in the womb, where the side sleeping position rests on one side, with legs bent close to the abdomen and back is also slightly bent.
This position reduces the load on the spine and allow the organs are not depressed and reduce pressure on the diaphragm. Using a pillow at the head or neck would shift the burden from the shoulders, so there is no suppression of nerve fibers that run from the neck to the arm
Sleeping on your back felt uncomfortable for some people who used to sleep on, and can cause a greater burden on his back and causing problems for those with certain health conditions. But people with back problems choose to sleep on your back with a small pillow placed under the knee. Even they sometimes use a specially designed pillow to put under your knees so your knees are slightly bent position will reduce the pressure on your back and help your abdominal muscles to be more relaxed.
Sleep on their backs is a problem for those with a hernia, reflux disorder gastoesofageal, and asthma. Those suffering from sinusitis will also experience difficulties with supine sleeping position, this position will cause the fluid from the nose straight down into the throat and can wake them up at night because he felt tightness or choking. For those who choose to sleep on his back, head and shoulders top should be propped up with pillows that are not too thick, or by elevating the head of bed slightly upward.
Sleep Phase II Process
In general, the process begins with the stage of sleep sleepy, which is the current state of consciousness with the environment is reduced. At the time of this sleepy, external stimuli can still be accepted easily and make awake or wake up again. Then, if the sleep process continues, then consciousness arises less and less and a phase of sleep known as chicken.
At this stage, sensory rangasangan still less acceptable (the faint), but does not interfere with consciousness. The next phase is the last stage, the stage of deep sleep.
Since the tool EEG (Electro Encephalo Graph), the activities in the brain can be recorded in a graph.
Research on the mechanisms of sleep made progress in the last 10 years, and now even the experts have discovered the existence of two patterns of sleep, namely sleep patterns regular (non-REM) and the pattern of paradoxical sleep (REM).
a. Sleep-quiet which is also called non-REM sleep Slow Wave Sleep or register atasdasar brain electrical activity (EEG = electro-encefalogram). Characteristics is the heart beat, blood pressure and breathing regularly, and muscle relaxation without muscle movements of the face or eyes. SWS is more or less an hour. This stage is followed by stage b.
b. Sleep-paradoxical sleep or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) with a similar EEG activity was conscious and active and characterized by rapid eye movements, heart, blood pressure and respiration have fluctuated, increasing blood flow to the brain and muscles is loosened. During REM sleep which lasted 15-20 minutes initially occurred many dreams, it is also called dream sleep

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