in edit by Group 2 Non Regular Physical Education 2007
Awareness education experts on the low mastery of the material and the low score of the test results led to reforms in teaching. In addition, how children learn and the development of learning theory contributed to the reform of learning. Reforms are also followed by reform of learning in the assessment of learning.
Reform of learning and assessment of the current study is the emergence of the idea to update the curriculum.
Competency-based curriculum (curriculum 2004) promote that learning is a process of building life skills and live a normal life as a whole, which includes personal skills, social life skills, critical thinking skills, ability to do investigations to solve problems (academic skills) and vocational skills (Ministry of Education, 2002), while the unit level education curriculum emphasizes the autonomy of learning and achievement of learning outcomes that define a complete and comprehensive.
Curriculum reform implemented by the application of new learning strategies, namely a contextual constructivist learning (contextual learning) and assessment of new learning that is authentic assessment (authentic assessment) (Centre for Curriculum, 2001 and Ministry of Education, 2002 b) which is also called the class-based assessment.
Contextual Learning
Education system with "competency-based curriculum" using the new paradigm of competency-based learning (competence - based learning). Unlike the old paradigm, the old paradigm students learn only about the knowledge (as a product of science), the new paradigm students learn to gain competence in the form of comprehensive life skills that include: personal skills, social skills, ability to think rationally, skill use and scientific investigation and if competency skills.
Competency life skills and live a normal life can be achieved if the applied learning takes students to learn in accordance with real experience and real-world context. Lessons that have such a concept is called "contextual learning". Suyanto (2002) in his paper stated konstekstual learning principles are: the need to emphasize the importance of learning problem solving, and learning activities carried out in various contexts, students learn themselves (Student active learning), covering the context of different students (multiculture education), students learn from each other / with a friend (cooperative learning), learning is emphasized in the training of high level thinking, critical and creative that is applicable (discovery - inquiry) and learning using authentic assessment strategies (authentic assessment).
Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessment is an assessment of learning which refers to the situation or context of the "real world", which require various approaches to solve problems that provide the possibility that one problem can have more than one kind of solution. In other words, authentic assessment to monitor and measure students' skills in a variety of possible solutions to problems encountered in real world situations or contexts.
In a process of learning, authentic assessment to measure, monitor and evaluate all aspects of learning outcomes (which are included in the domain of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), good-looking as the end result of a learning process, and the form of change and development activities, and acquisition of learning during the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom. Authentic assessment is also referred to as alternative assessment. The implementation of authentic assessment is no longer using traditional assessment formats (multiple-choice, matching, true-false, and paper and pencil test), but using a format that allows students to complete a task or demonstrate a performance in solving a problem.
Some updates that appear on authentic assessment is
a) involve students in tasks that important, interesting, useful and relevant to real life students,
b) looks and feels as learning activities, rather than the traditional test,
c) involve higher-order thinking skills and includes extensive knowledge, students are aware of what to do will be judged,
d) an assessment tool with standard setting (standard setting), not a standardized assessment tool,
e) centered on students (student centered) rather than teacher-centered (teacher centered), and
f) to assess students' different abilities, learning styles and cultural backgrounds.
Classroom-Based Assessment
Classroom-Based Assessment (PBK) is a process of collecting, reporting, and use information about student learning outcomes by applying the principles of continuous assessment, authentic, accurate, and consistent in learning activities under the authority of teachers in the classroom. EAPs identify the achievement of competencies and learning outcomes are presented through a clear statement about the standards to be and has been achieved along with a map of students' progress and reporting.
If during the last decade the success of student learning is only determined by the value of final exams (Exams / UAN), then with the implementation of EAPs that did not happen again. Ride or not ride and pass or not pass entirely the responsibility of students to teachers (school) based on the progress of the process and student learning outcomes in schools concerned. In this case the teacher became very broad authority and decisive. Therefore, improvement of professional abilities and moral integrity of teachers in the EAP is a necessity, to avoid manipulation of student effort.
PBK using valuation meaning as "assessment", ie activities carried out to obtain and make effective information about the learning outcomes of students at grade level during and after learning activities. The data or information from the assessment in this class is one of the evidence used to measure the success of an educational program. PBK is part of the education evaluation because the scope of evaluation in general education is much broader than PBK.
PBK includes gathering information about the achievement of student learning outcomes and making decisions about student learning outcomes based on such information. The collection of information in the EAP can be done in formal or informal atmosphere, inside or outside the classroom, using a special time or not, for example for assessing aspects of attitudes / values with the test or tests or non-integrated in all learning activities (at the beginning, middle, and end). At school often used the term test for PBK activity by reason of practicality, because the test is very practical as a measurement used to view student achievement in relation to its intended purpose, especially the cognitive aspects.
If the information about student learning outcomes have been collected in sufficient numbers, then the teacher needs to make decisions on student achievement
• Does the student has achieved competence as specified?
• Does the student is eligible to progress to more advanced levels?
• Do students have to repeat certain parts?
• Do students need to obtain any other way as the deepening of (remedial)?
• Does the student need to receive enrichment (enrichment)?
• Is the repair and deepening of the program or learning activity, the selection of instructional materials or textbooks, and preparation of the syllabus has been adequate?
In the implementation of Classroom-Based Assessment, the role of teachers is very important in determining the precise types of assessments to assess the success or failure of students. Types of assessments made by teachers must meet standards of validity and reliability, so that the results achieved in accordance with what is expected. For that, the professional competence of teachers is an essential requirement.
EAPs are implemented by the teacher, should give significant meaning for parents and society in general, and for students individually, in particular, for the development of student achievement over time can be observed (observable) and measured (measurable). In addition, with implementation expected to PBK
• Provide feedback for students regarding the capabilities and drawbacks, so the motivation to improve learning achievement at the next time;
• Monitor progress and diagnose student learning difficulties, so that allows for enrichment and remediation to meet the needs of students in accordance with the development, progress and ability;
• Provide feedback to teachers to improve learning in the classroom program in case of obstacles in the learning process;
• Allows students to achieve competencies that have been determined, although the rate of learning the different between each individual. Provide information that is more communicative to the public about the effectiveness of funding, so that they can increase their participation in education seriously and consistently.
Alternative Assessment in the Classroom-Based Assessment
Assessment of students includes not only assessment of learning behavior changes or developments after the students take a specific lesson.
Assessment of change and personal development of students in the learning process should also include: skills and prior knowledge (prior knowledge), activities and skills that appear on students during the learning process takes place in the classroom, and the activity of knowledge / skills of students who carried out and acquired outside the classroom or in the environment of everyday life
Classroom-Based Assessment Objectives
The purpose of classroom-based assessment aims to determine the progress and learning outcomes of students, diagnosing learning difficulties, provide feedback / improvement of learning, and motivate and stimulate learners to perform the restoration effort.
Classroom-Based Assessment Function
• to describe the extent to which a student has mastered a competency
• basis for evaluating the implementation of learning outcomes in making decisions
• as a diagnostic tool
• as a step improvement process
• as a control for the teacher about the picture of the progress of the development process and learning outcomes.
It has been noted earlier, that class-based assessment is the result of a paradigm shift from the approach to education. From the input-oriented education approach (input-oriented education) to the education-oriented approach or the standard results (outcomes based education).
Tangible demonstration of competence, that's the real moral message to be conveyed by this new paradigm. Where a student learning outcomes can be directly seen by naked eye and practical, not stop just at the level of sweet score listed in the paper.
Students and parents can collaborate to create the optimal learning or competence with reference to the criteria established in each of the learning competencies that will dihasilkan.Itulah functions offered by classroom-based assessment.
Principles of Classroom-Based Assessment
Classroom-based assessment should be viewed as an attempt to identify the strengths and weaknesses that are owned by teachers and learners. To know the strengths and weaknesses, the planning effort is needed to improve learning activities continuously. Even more important, the ultimate goal rather than class-based assessment lies in achieving a high rate, but rather lies in the way of how to motivate learners in order to obtain maximum results.
Should ensure the achievement of standards of competence, basic competence, as well as indicators. Correspondence between classroom-based assessment with the aim to improve validity. Thus, the validity is a matter that really need attention.
Menekankn classroom-based assessment on the existence of fair treatment to all learners. That is, all learners should have the same opportunity to be assessed regardless of their socio-economic
background, culture, language, and gender.
Emphasize the openness, where all parties, both educators and students need to recognize the capabilities of each, the type of assessment, as well as an assessment format that will be used.
Must be done in a planned, gradual, and continuous to get a view of the development of learners' learning. This is done to see the continuity between one subject matter with other subject matter.
Classroom-based assessment to see the development of the ability of learners in a holistic manner. In addition, classroom-based assessments can be acted upon by all parties, especially educators, learners, and parents.
Classroom-based assessment conducted by various techniques and procedures to ensure the availability of complete and complete information about the performance of learners, whether that involves cognitive, effective, and psychomotor. So, it is not possible if educators just fixated on just one type of assessment, written for example.
Classroom-based assessment is not intended to make the final decision about the fate of students or other things that can reduce the motivation of learners in learning. BK should contribute positively to the achievement of student learning outcomes. Therefore, the EAP must be declared and can be perceived as rewards to motivate students who are successful (positive reinforcement) and as a trigger spirit to improve learning outcomes for the less successful (negative reinforcement), so that successes and failures of students must still be appreciated in the assessment.
Oriented competence
EAPs must assess student achievement of competencies that include a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills / values reflected in the habit of thinking and acting. Relying on this competence, then the measures of learning success will be known in a clear and focused.
Characteristics of Classroom-Based Assessment
Classroom-based assessment has special characteristics, namely:
1. Learning centers and rooted in the learning process
The main concern lies not classroom-based assessment on teaching improvement but on the attention of educators and learners in the improvement of learning outcomes. But if the teachers do the teaching program improvement, the goal is none other in order to improve student learning outcomes.
Classroom-based assessment can be viewed as an attempt to build a better learning that one of them by performing feedback on learners' learning, to be more systematic, flexible, and effective.
Classroom-based assessment provides a way to conduct a thorough and systematic assessment of the learning process in class. Thus, class-based assessment is always rooted in the learning process. Because the focus on learning, the classroom-based assessment requires the active participation of learners. In this case educators constantly motivate the students for their learning increases.
2. Feedback
Classroom-based assessment can also be interpreted as a flow process feedback (feedback loop) in the class. Educators and students can quickly and easily using classroom-based assessments as feedback.
Classroom-based assessment is not only to give a value or score (grading) learners, but also to obtain information for improving the quality of learners' learning.
Classroom-Based Assessment Excellence
Classroom-Based Assessment (PBK) is one component in a Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). This assessment was carried out by teachers in varied and integrated with learning activities in class, hence the class-based assessments (PBK). PBK is done by collecting student work (portfolios), work (product), assignment (project), performance / appearance (performance), and a written test (paper and pencil). Teachers assess the competence and students' levels of achievement based on student performance. Therefore, CPB can be regarded as the most comprehensive forms of assessment.
It must be realized by all parties, that indeed is what most teachers know the abilities or the progress of student learning, not school principals, supervisors, let alone structural officials in the Ministry or Department of Education. Therefore, the daily gurulah communicate and interact with students in the classroom and in the school environment. Thus, EAPs are very freely give authority to teachers to assess students an advantage in order to obtain an accurate learning results in accordance with students' actual abilities. In addition, in the EAP teacher certainly can not judge his heart at will, but must communicate openly to the students to agree with the competence that has been achieved by the students and the standard value assigned by the teacher.Implementation PBK
Assessment conducted on student learning outcomes in the form of competency as specified in teaching each subject. In addition to measuring student learning outcomes in accordance with the provisions of the competence of each subject of each class in the national curriculum, assessments are also conducted to determine the position or the position of students in the 8 level of competency established nationally.
Classroom-based assessment should show the three domains, namely: knowledge (koknitif), attitude (affective), and skills (psychomotor) The three domains are sebaikanya assessed proportionately according to the nature of the relevant subjects.
Assessment Format
This can be
a) test that presents the original object or event before the students (hands-on assessment),
b) the task (task skills, task simple investigations and tasks integrated investigation),
c) recording format of student learning activities (eg: portfolio, interviews, checklists, oral presentations and debates).
Format as an alternative assessment "portfolio, oral presentations and debates, written reports and interviews" and his explanation as follows. "Portfolio" is the format of learning assessment in the form of notes or evidence of skills, experience and knowledge possessed or acquired by students in the learning process. Portfolio may include: test results, lab reports, statements of duties outside the classroom, the work of the tasks in the classroom and at home, record the results of independent activity associated with learning materials in schools.
Portfolio is very useful for teachers because not all of the assessment can be conducted and results can not be administered directly by the teacher. Portfolios can be created by teachers for each individual or groups of students. Besides, teachers also can ask the students to create portfolios for the activities and results of activities conducted himself both existing activities in the classroom as well as activities that are outside the classroom. It is intended by the teacher to meniali portfolio of activities, knowledge, skills and experience of students who observed his own good or not, whether the activities in the classroom and outside the classroom, because the portfolio is useful to monitor and assess the skills, experience and knowledge of students on the unit a concept-learning units, half of the semester, one semester or one year.
The next format is "an oral presentation and debate" is the format of assessment to monitor and assess students' skills or skills in communicating knowledge and experience in verbal learning. In communicating orally should be a person or group of students to student classmates. For interaction between students, oral presentations should be accompanied by debates or question and answer between the renderer with other students. In the oral presentation and debate teachers can assess speaking skills, mastery of the material presented concepts, skills, logic and skills to answer questions, accept the opinions of others skills.
In addition to the portfolio format and oral presentation format, the next format is a "written statement" that the report made by the student in writing of its skills, pengelaman and knowledge after completing a specific task. Assessment of written report to include mastery of the concept of truth, truth / accuracy of task execution procedure, the procedure of writing the truth, the truth of the writing of data and data analysis and conclusion of truth, whereas the latter format is the "interview" is an assessment of the skills, experience and knowledge students through interviews. Activities can be done by the teacher interviews, also can be done by student peers. Through teacher interviews to know the level of the activity, skill and mastery of the concept of truth students to the particular subject matter.
From various observations it is to be noted in writing mainly about extreme behavior / prominent or abnormal growth should then be followed by step guidance. Assessment of the observations can be used observation, interview, questionnaire, questionnaires, attitude scale and anecdotal notes (anecdotal records).
In conducting the assessment, teachers should
a. Looking at the assessment and teaching and learning activities in an integrated manner.
b. Develop strategies that encourage and reinforce self-assessment as a mirror.
c. Perform a variety of assessment strategies in teaching programs to provide various types of information about student learning outcomes.
d. Taking into account the special needs of learners.
e. Develop and provide a recording system that varies in
observation of learners' learning activities.
f. Using the ways and means of assessment varies.
g. Educate and improve the quality of the learning process as effectively as possible.
In such cases, the assessment must be fair, planned, sustainable, using language that students can understand, and apply clear criteria in making decisions or giving numbers (scores)
Ministry of Education, 2002, Concept-Oriented Education Life Skills (Life Skill Education) Through Class-Based Education Approach (Broad-Based Education): Dissemination Workshop Materials General Secondary Education Programme of 2002.
Suyanto, 2003. Learning Scenario: Papers Presented In Semlok Contextual Learning For Teachers And Lecturers Supervising Civil PPL State University of Malang: Date June 23 to 24, 2003 in UPT PPL University of Malang. Malang: PPL Unit, State University of Malang
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Arikunto, Suharsimi, Suhardjono, Supardi dam. Classroom Action Research. New York:
Earth Literacy, 2008.
Surapranata, Sumarna and Mohammad Hatta. Portfolio Assessment: Implementation
Curriculum 2004. London: Teenagers Rosdakarya, 2004.
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