Writing short stories is one of the "shortcut" the most frequently used in paving the way for someone to become a writer. Before becoming a famous writer, a person usually start by writing short stories in the media or teen magazines. This way is legitimate. Yet by writing short stories, actually we also are sharing the ideology of short stories such as writing a novel, opinions, articles and even books.

However, many are not so continue his ideals as a writer only because it can not complete short story. There is not know from where start writing them down. There also do not know how to end a short story. Unfortunately, when he did not know about it, he cursed himself that he really was not gifted to be a writer.
Actually, there is no definitive theory about writing short stories. However, at least the tips below can be used to start writing short stories. The important thing to remember, these tips are a tool for writing short stories. If these tips will not help even bother, do not hesitate to forget it.
Define the Great Themes
Determination of the theme is the most important thing in writing short stories. Before making a short story, at least we have to determine the point of tap (stressing point) of the short story. There are many great themes that we can select, among which friendship, romance, social, cultural, history, politics, science and technology, religion, and so forth. For example, we chose the theme of the HISTORY. From this theme later, we will make a short story.
Determining Story Idea
Once we determine the major themes, we certainly have story ideas related to these major themes. Romance for example, in this case we can find the idea of marriage, the first encounter, conquest boyfriend, send each other letters, and so forth. So many ideas floating around about the theme of romance. So also with other themes.
In this case, there's one thing to write philosophy that we need to remember. "Do not think of what would be written, but write down what he was thinking!" Write the ideas as much as possible. Never be afraid of. After all, this is not a short story. Only the idea of recording it. For this we have chosen as the theme HISTORY big, we might be able to record the ideas as follows: stories prophets, the history of independence, the tales of people, Malin Kundang, sangkuriang, and so forth.
Developing Idea
This is when we develop these ideas. Of the many ideas that we write, there must be an idea that is very familiar ears to even have any idea about the plot. That's what we have to develop.
In this case, one thing we need to remember is THE THEORY THAT ARISE AFTER WRITING IN WRITING. So, write what you like, do not ever think about whether we fit EYD short story or not. The short story makes sense or not. People of this short story interesting or not. Setting it happens in accordance with the original or not. Do not ever think about such things. From the above idea was, we will develop Especially prophet Abraham's story.
Evaluating the Short Story
After we develop the idea until it is enough and you're done, then it is time we evaluate the short story. In this process, we need to think EYD, it makes sense or absence of short stories, the characters interesting or not, the dialogue is too formal or real, it happens according to the original setting or not. We also need to think whether the end of this short story to satisfy the reader or not. Is predictable or not. If everything has been pretty, good short story has been completed.
Writing is a unique skill. More often write, the more astute writing. A lot of little things that need to be written, and usually it is very close to our life and God willing we easily mastered. Try to think for a moment. Not just for beginners, but for the senior author also still need to ponder the little things that could be the theme of writing.
Author of books kind of Chicken Soup, Jack Canfield, often write simple things are rarely written by other authors. But it still works great demand. The work is inspiring. Easily understood, simple, straightforward and directly hit the target. So, who told me to write small things, its power becomes trivial. Not always, tuh.
So start learning to write by writing little things that are very close to our lives and so we are good at. After often write little things, it is quite possible we could write great things that really can do well because learning a lot of little things we've written. So that our writing was light to flow and allows the reader to understand what we mean, even though the theme that we lift fairly heavy. Therefore, the purpose of writing is not so we called intelligent by the reader, but to educate readers so that they are clever.
Between the Novel and Short Story
The term of the novel between the country to other countries vary. In German called Novelle. While in the French language is called Nouvelle. Both terms are used in the same sense that a rather long and the prose is simple because it only tells the purpose of the event giving rise to a conflict that resulted in a change in the fate of the culprit.
Some opinions about the novel suggested by literary experts. But until now there is no benchmark that can be accepted by all parties.
Novel in a general sense means the story in prose form a broad measure that is a story with a complex plot and themes, characters and setting much different story. Novels reflect and portray the reality of the seen, felt in some form or bond with a specific effect associated with the achievement of the movements of human desires.
The novel has the following characteristics:
1. Telling some of life's great
2. The occurrence of conflict and created a change in fortune
3. There are some plot or storyline
4. There are some incidents that affect the way the story
5. Disposition or characterizations depicted in depth
The novel is a story with a long groove fill a book or more, which make up human life, which are imaginative, tells of human life until the occurrence of conflicts that can cause changes in fate for the perpetrators.
The benefits of reading the novel is to give awareness to readers about the truths of life. Moreover, it can give joy and satisfaction of mind, giving a deep appreciation of what we know, and can help readers become a civilized human being. Results literary copyright would always talk about human beings with all the problems of life, good human relationship with humans, humans with the environment and humans by its creator.
The results contain the beauty of literary novels that can induce pleasure, pleasure, emotion, attention, refreshing feeling of the reader, experience the soul contained in literary works to enrich the life of the human mind in particular reader.
The short story developed very rapidly when the Japanese colonial period. In those days everything short and fast-paced prosecuted. Because of the influence of the atmosphere, then the author also express his feelings following the situation. The author briefly express everything and choose the medium of short story form.
Short short short story. Therefore, a short form, then displayed by the short story is just a part of life experienced by the characters.
A short story basically demands a clear disposition. Figure is the center of the spotlight in the story. Elements characterizations in the stories seem more dominant than the other elements. By reading the short story a reader will understand the character of the characters possessed. So, read the short story is not just knowing the way the story but know the human being with its properties.
A result of literature can be categorized into short stories must be viewed from the scope of the problems that appear in such literary works. Usually the short story will only display one at issue only in the story. Because of the problems that appear only one or a single problem, it will not allow the growth of digresi in short stories. Ie short story narrative that gives the impression of a single dominant figure in the background and a dramatic situation.
Predicate short on words short story is not determined by the number of pages to realize that story or at least figure contained in the story, but more due to the scope of issues to be conveyed by the shape of such literary works. So, a short story may not be classified into the type of short story that fails to satisfy the scope of the problems that demanded by the short story.
Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the short story tells only a single issue. Regarding the number of pages will not affect many of these types of literary works. Short story is not necessarily a short story and the story was a little long at times can be categorized as a short story if a single problem. Therefore a single problem, then the short stories tend to be short.
The difference between novels and short stories are as follows:
1. In the novel inner conflict, whereas in the short stories do not have to happen.
2. In the novel, disposition is described in detail, while in the short story, disposition is described briefly
3. The novel has a plot more complicated, whereas in short, simple ending.
4. In the novel, the background is more extensive and longer time, whereas in the short story, and limited background only briefly.
5. The novel is longer essay than a short story, while the short story shorter essay.
6. The elements of the story in the novel is more complex and diverse than the short story, while elements of the story in a relatively simple short stories and a single definite
7. Novels are usually written in a minimum of 100 quarto pages, while short stories are usually written in a maximum of 30 pages quarto.
8. Number of words in the novel at least 35,000 words, while the maximum number of words in short stories 10,000 words.
9. Long time to read novels about 30-90 minutes, whereas the time required to read the short story only 10 minutes (reading at one sitting).
The origins of short stories
Short story first originated in the oral storytelling tradition that produced the famous stories such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The stories are delivered in a rhythmic form of poetry, with rhythm that serves as a tool to help people to remember the story. Short sections of these stories focused on individual narratives that can be delivered in one shot short. A whole new story when the entire visible part of the story has been submitted.
Fable, which is generally in the form of folk tales with moral messages in it, supposedly considered by the Greek historian Herodotus as the findings of a Greek slave named Aesop in the 6th century BC (although there are other stories that come from other nations ascribed to Aesop). These ancient fables are known today as Aesop's Fables. But some are providing other definitions related to the term Fables. Fable, the treasures of Indonesian Literature often, interpreted as a story about animals. The story of the popular fables such as The Story Si Kancil, and so forth.
Furthermore, the type of story expanded to include sage, myth, and legend. Sage is a story of heroism. For example Joko Dolog. Mite is suggested in stories related to trust local people about something. For example Nyi Roro Kidul. While the legend contains an understanding of a story about the origins of a place. Examples of Banyuwangi.
The other ancient form of short stories, anecdotes, popular during the Roman Empire. Anecdotes functioned as a parable, a brief realistic narration that embodies a purpose. Many of the surviving Roman anecdotes were collected later in the Gesta Romanorum in the 13th century or 14. Anecdotes remained popular in Europe until the 18th century, when letters containing fictional anecdotes of Sir Roger de Coverley published.
In Europe, the tradition of oral story began to develop into the stories written at the beginning of the 14th century, most notably with Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. Both books are composed of short stories are separate (which range from humorous anecdotes to literary fiction well-crafted), which is placed in a larger narrative story (a frame story), although the story framework is not adopted by all authors . At the end of the 16th century, some of the short stories of the most popular in Europe is a "novella" darkly tragic work of Matteo Bandello (especially in French translation). During the Renaissance, the term novella is used to refer to short stories.
In the mid-17th-century development occurred in France a refined short novel, "nouvelle", by authors such as Madame de Lafayette. In the 1690's, traditional tales began publication (one of the most famous collection is the work of Charles Perrault). The emergence of the first modern translation of the Thousand and One Nights by Antoine Galland (from 1704; another translation appeared in 1710-12) led a great influence on European short stories of Voltaire, Diderot and others in the 18th century.
Modern short stories
Modern short stories emerged as the genre itself at the beginning of the 19th century. Early examples of short story collection includes tales the Brothers Grimm (1824-1826), Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka (1831-1832) by Nikolai Gogol, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1836), works of Edgar Allan Poe and Twice Told Tales (1842) by Nathaniel Hawthorne. At the end of the 19th century, the growth of magazines and journals bear a strong market demand will be short fiction between 3,000 to 15,000 words in length. Among the famous short stories that appeared in this period was "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
In the first half of the 20th century, a number of leading magazines, including The Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's, and The Saturday Evening Post, all published short stories in any publications. The demand for short stories was so great quality, and pay for the stories were so high, that F. Scott Fitzgerald repeatedly turned to writing short stories to pay off various debts.
The demand for short stories by the magazine reached its peak in the mid-20th century, when in 1952 Life magazine published the short stories of Ernest Hemingway's long long (or novella) The Old Man and the Sea. Publication containing this story sold 5.3 million copies in just two days.
Since then, the number of commercial magazines that publish short stories has declined, although some well-known magazines like The New Yorker continues to load it. Literary magazine also provides a place for short stories. In addition, short stories have recently found a new online publication. Short stories can be found in the online magazine, in clusters that are organized by author or theme, and in blogs.
Short story elements and characteristics
Short stories tend to be less complex than the novel. Short stories usually focus on one incident, has a plot, setting a single, limited number of characters, including a short time frame.
In other forms of fiction that is longer, stories tend to contain certain core elements of dramatic structure:
• exposition (introduction setting, situation and main characters),
• complications (events in the story that introduces the conflict and the main character);
• complications (events in the story that introduces the conflict);
• rising action, crisis (the decisive moment for the protagonist and their commitment to a step);
• climax (the point of highest interest in terms of conflict and the point of the story containing the most action);
• completion of (part of the story where the conflict resolved);
• and moral.
Because of the short, short stories may contain this pattern or may not. For example, modern short stories only occasionally contain exposition. Much more common is an abrupt beginning, with a story that began in the middle of the action. As in the stories are longer, the plot of the short story also contains a climax, or turning point. However, the end of many short stories are abrupt and open and can contain (or may not) a moral or practical lesson. Like much of any art form, typical of short stories sebuath vary by author.
Size of short stories
Define what separates fiction short story format other than a much longer is something that is problematic. A classic definition of a short story is that he should be readable in one sitting (this is particularly proposed in Edgar Allan Poe's essay "The Philosophy of Composition" in 1846). Other definitions mention the long line of fiction from the number of words, namely 7500 words.
In contemporary usage, the term generally refers to the short story works of fiction that is no longer than 20,000 words and no less than 1,000 words. A short story of less than 1,000 words belong to the genre of fiction flash (flash fiction). Fiction that goes beyond the maximum limit of short stories parameters are classified into the novelette, novella, or novel.
Genre / Type of Short Stories
Short story in general is a form of fiction writing, and the most widely published fiction is like science fiction, horror fiction, detective fiction, and others. Short story is now also includes a form of nonfiction such as travel records, lyrical prose and post-modern variants and non-fiction like fikto-critical or new journalism.
List of famous short stories
• "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce (online text)
• "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper" by Robert Bloch
• "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury
• "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver
• "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell
• "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin (text online)
• "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner (text online)
• "The overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol (online text - translated from Russian)
• "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne (text online)
• "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" by Ernest Hemingway (text online)
• "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry (online text)
• "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson (text online)
• "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs
• "The Dead" by James Joyce (online text
• "In der Strafkolonie" by Franz Kafka (online text trans. English from German)
• "The Call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft
• "Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville (text online)
• "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor (text online)
• "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe (text online)
• "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx
• "The Red Room" by H.G. Wells
• "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov
However, many are not so continue his ideals as a writer only because it can not complete short story. There is not know from where start writing them down. There also do not know how to end a short story. Unfortunately, when he did not know about it, he cursed himself that he really was not gifted to be a writer.
Actually, there is no definitive theory about writing short stories. However, at least the tips below can be used to start writing short stories. The important thing to remember, these tips are a tool for writing short stories. If these tips will not help even bother, do not hesitate to forget it.
Define the Great Themes
Determination of the theme is the most important thing in writing short stories. Before making a short story, at least we have to determine the point of tap (stressing point) of the short story. There are many great themes that we can select, among which friendship, romance, social, cultural, history, politics, science and technology, religion, and so forth. For example, we chose the theme of the HISTORY. From this theme later, we will make a short story.
Determining Story Idea
Once we determine the major themes, we certainly have story ideas related to these major themes. Romance for example, in this case we can find the idea of marriage, the first encounter, conquest boyfriend, send each other letters, and so forth. So many ideas floating around about the theme of romance. So also with other themes.
In this case, there's one thing to write philosophy that we need to remember. "Do not think of what would be written, but write down what he was thinking!" Write the ideas as much as possible. Never be afraid of. After all, this is not a short story. Only the idea of recording it. For this we have chosen as the theme HISTORY big, we might be able to record the ideas as follows: stories prophets, the history of independence, the tales of people, Malin Kundang, sangkuriang, and so forth.
Developing Idea
This is when we develop these ideas. Of the many ideas that we write, there must be an idea that is very familiar ears to even have any idea about the plot. That's what we have to develop.
In this case, one thing we need to remember is THE THEORY THAT ARISE AFTER WRITING IN WRITING. So, write what you like, do not ever think about whether we fit EYD short story or not. The short story makes sense or not. People of this short story interesting or not. Setting it happens in accordance with the original or not. Do not ever think about such things. From the above idea was, we will develop Especially prophet Abraham's story.
Evaluating the Short Story
After we develop the idea until it is enough and you're done, then it is time we evaluate the short story. In this process, we need to think EYD, it makes sense or absence of short stories, the characters interesting or not, the dialogue is too formal or real, it happens according to the original setting or not. We also need to think whether the end of this short story to satisfy the reader or not. Is predictable or not. If everything has been pretty, good short story has been completed.
Writing is a unique skill. More often write, the more astute writing. A lot of little things that need to be written, and usually it is very close to our life and God willing we easily mastered. Try to think for a moment. Not just for beginners, but for the senior author also still need to ponder the little things that could be the theme of writing.
Author of books kind of Chicken Soup, Jack Canfield, often write simple things are rarely written by other authors. But it still works great demand. The work is inspiring. Easily understood, simple, straightforward and directly hit the target. So, who told me to write small things, its power becomes trivial. Not always, tuh.
So start learning to write by writing little things that are very close to our lives and so we are good at. After often write little things, it is quite possible we could write great things that really can do well because learning a lot of little things we've written. So that our writing was light to flow and allows the reader to understand what we mean, even though the theme that we lift fairly heavy. Therefore, the purpose of writing is not so we called intelligent by the reader, but to educate readers so that they are clever.
Between the Novel and Short Story
The term of the novel between the country to other countries vary. In German called Novelle. While in the French language is called Nouvelle. Both terms are used in the same sense that a rather long and the prose is simple because it only tells the purpose of the event giving rise to a conflict that resulted in a change in the fate of the culprit.
Some opinions about the novel suggested by literary experts. But until now there is no benchmark that can be accepted by all parties.
Novel in a general sense means the story in prose form a broad measure that is a story with a complex plot and themes, characters and setting much different story. Novels reflect and portray the reality of the seen, felt in some form or bond with a specific effect associated with the achievement of the movements of human desires.
The novel has the following characteristics:
1. Telling some of life's great
2. The occurrence of conflict and created a change in fortune
3. There are some plot or storyline
4. There are some incidents that affect the way the story
5. Disposition or characterizations depicted in depth
The novel is a story with a long groove fill a book or more, which make up human life, which are imaginative, tells of human life until the occurrence of conflicts that can cause changes in fate for the perpetrators.
The benefits of reading the novel is to give awareness to readers about the truths of life. Moreover, it can give joy and satisfaction of mind, giving a deep appreciation of what we know, and can help readers become a civilized human being. Results literary copyright would always talk about human beings with all the problems of life, good human relationship with humans, humans with the environment and humans by its creator.
The results contain the beauty of literary novels that can induce pleasure, pleasure, emotion, attention, refreshing feeling of the reader, experience the soul contained in literary works to enrich the life of the human mind in particular reader.
The short story developed very rapidly when the Japanese colonial period. In those days everything short and fast-paced prosecuted. Because of the influence of the atmosphere, then the author also express his feelings following the situation. The author briefly express everything and choose the medium of short story form.
Short short short story. Therefore, a short form, then displayed by the short story is just a part of life experienced by the characters.
A short story basically demands a clear disposition. Figure is the center of the spotlight in the story. Elements characterizations in the stories seem more dominant than the other elements. By reading the short story a reader will understand the character of the characters possessed. So, read the short story is not just knowing the way the story but know the human being with its properties.
A result of literature can be categorized into short stories must be viewed from the scope of the problems that appear in such literary works. Usually the short story will only display one at issue only in the story. Because of the problems that appear only one or a single problem, it will not allow the growth of digresi in short stories. Ie short story narrative that gives the impression of a single dominant figure in the background and a dramatic situation.
Predicate short on words short story is not determined by the number of pages to realize that story or at least figure contained in the story, but more due to the scope of issues to be conveyed by the shape of such literary works. So, a short story may not be classified into the type of short story that fails to satisfy the scope of the problems that demanded by the short story.
Based on the above description, it can be concluded that the short story tells only a single issue. Regarding the number of pages will not affect many of these types of literary works. Short story is not necessarily a short story and the story was a little long at times can be categorized as a short story if a single problem. Therefore a single problem, then the short stories tend to be short.
The difference between novels and short stories are as follows:
1. In the novel inner conflict, whereas in the short stories do not have to happen.
2. In the novel, disposition is described in detail, while in the short story, disposition is described briefly
3. The novel has a plot more complicated, whereas in short, simple ending.
4. In the novel, the background is more extensive and longer time, whereas in the short story, and limited background only briefly.
5. The novel is longer essay than a short story, while the short story shorter essay.
6. The elements of the story in the novel is more complex and diverse than the short story, while elements of the story in a relatively simple short stories and a single definite
7. Novels are usually written in a minimum of 100 quarto pages, while short stories are usually written in a maximum of 30 pages quarto.
8. Number of words in the novel at least 35,000 words, while the maximum number of words in short stories 10,000 words.
9. Long time to read novels about 30-90 minutes, whereas the time required to read the short story only 10 minutes (reading at one sitting).
The origins of short stories
Short story first originated in the oral storytelling tradition that produced the famous stories such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The stories are delivered in a rhythmic form of poetry, with rhythm that serves as a tool to help people to remember the story. Short sections of these stories focused on individual narratives that can be delivered in one shot short. A whole new story when the entire visible part of the story has been submitted.
Fable, which is generally in the form of folk tales with moral messages in it, supposedly considered by the Greek historian Herodotus as the findings of a Greek slave named Aesop in the 6th century BC (although there are other stories that come from other nations ascribed to Aesop). These ancient fables are known today as Aesop's Fables. But some are providing other definitions related to the term Fables. Fable, the treasures of Indonesian Literature often, interpreted as a story about animals. The story of the popular fables such as The Story Si Kancil, and so forth.
Furthermore, the type of story expanded to include sage, myth, and legend. Sage is a story of heroism. For example Joko Dolog. Mite is suggested in stories related to trust local people about something. For example Nyi Roro Kidul. While the legend contains an understanding of a story about the origins of a place. Examples of Banyuwangi.
The other ancient form of short stories, anecdotes, popular during the Roman Empire. Anecdotes functioned as a parable, a brief realistic narration that embodies a purpose. Many of the surviving Roman anecdotes were collected later in the Gesta Romanorum in the 13th century or 14. Anecdotes remained popular in Europe until the 18th century, when letters containing fictional anecdotes of Sir Roger de Coverley published.
In Europe, the tradition of oral story began to develop into the stories written at the beginning of the 14th century, most notably with Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. Both books are composed of short stories are separate (which range from humorous anecdotes to literary fiction well-crafted), which is placed in a larger narrative story (a frame story), although the story framework is not adopted by all authors . At the end of the 16th century, some of the short stories of the most popular in Europe is a "novella" darkly tragic work of Matteo Bandello (especially in French translation). During the Renaissance, the term novella is used to refer to short stories.
In the mid-17th-century development occurred in France a refined short novel, "nouvelle", by authors such as Madame de Lafayette. In the 1690's, traditional tales began publication (one of the most famous collection is the work of Charles Perrault). The emergence of the first modern translation of the Thousand and One Nights by Antoine Galland (from 1704; another translation appeared in 1710-12) led a great influence on European short stories of Voltaire, Diderot and others in the 18th century.
Modern short stories
Modern short stories emerged as the genre itself at the beginning of the 19th century. Early examples of short story collection includes tales the Brothers Grimm (1824-1826), Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka (1831-1832) by Nikolai Gogol, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1836), works of Edgar Allan Poe and Twice Told Tales (1842) by Nathaniel Hawthorne. At the end of the 19th century, the growth of magazines and journals bear a strong market demand will be short fiction between 3,000 to 15,000 words in length. Among the famous short stories that appeared in this period was "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
In the first half of the 20th century, a number of leading magazines, including The Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's, and The Saturday Evening Post, all published short stories in any publications. The demand for short stories was so great quality, and pay for the stories were so high, that F. Scott Fitzgerald repeatedly turned to writing short stories to pay off various debts.
The demand for short stories by the magazine reached its peak in the mid-20th century, when in 1952 Life magazine published the short stories of Ernest Hemingway's long long (or novella) The Old Man and the Sea. Publication containing this story sold 5.3 million copies in just two days.
Since then, the number of commercial magazines that publish short stories has declined, although some well-known magazines like The New Yorker continues to load it. Literary magazine also provides a place for short stories. In addition, short stories have recently found a new online publication. Short stories can be found in the online magazine, in clusters that are organized by author or theme, and in blogs.
Short story elements and characteristics
Short stories tend to be less complex than the novel. Short stories usually focus on one incident, has a plot, setting a single, limited number of characters, including a short time frame.
In other forms of fiction that is longer, stories tend to contain certain core elements of dramatic structure:
• exposition (introduction setting, situation and main characters),
• complications (events in the story that introduces the conflict and the main character);
• complications (events in the story that introduces the conflict);
• rising action, crisis (the decisive moment for the protagonist and their commitment to a step);
• climax (the point of highest interest in terms of conflict and the point of the story containing the most action);
• completion of (part of the story where the conflict resolved);
• and moral.
Because of the short, short stories may contain this pattern or may not. For example, modern short stories only occasionally contain exposition. Much more common is an abrupt beginning, with a story that began in the middle of the action. As in the stories are longer, the plot of the short story also contains a climax, or turning point. However, the end of many short stories are abrupt and open and can contain (or may not) a moral or practical lesson. Like much of any art form, typical of short stories sebuath vary by author.
Size of short stories
Define what separates fiction short story format other than a much longer is something that is problematic. A classic definition of a short story is that he should be readable in one sitting (this is particularly proposed in Edgar Allan Poe's essay "The Philosophy of Composition" in 1846). Other definitions mention the long line of fiction from the number of words, namely 7500 words.
In contemporary usage, the term generally refers to the short story works of fiction that is no longer than 20,000 words and no less than 1,000 words. A short story of less than 1,000 words belong to the genre of fiction flash (flash fiction). Fiction that goes beyond the maximum limit of short stories parameters are classified into the novelette, novella, or novel.
Genre / Type of Short Stories
Short story in general is a form of fiction writing, and the most widely published fiction is like science fiction, horror fiction, detective fiction, and others. Short story is now also includes a form of nonfiction such as travel records, lyrical prose and post-modern variants and non-fiction like fikto-critical or new journalism.
List of famous short stories
• "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce (online text)
• "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper" by Robert Bloch
• "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury
• "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver
• "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell
• "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin (text online)
• "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner (text online)
• "The overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol (online text - translated from Russian)
• "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne (text online)
• "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" by Ernest Hemingway (text online)
• "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry (online text)
• "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson (text online)
• "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs
• "The Dead" by James Joyce (online text
• "In der Strafkolonie" by Franz Kafka (online text trans. English from German)
• "The Call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft
• "Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville (text online)
• "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor (text online)
• "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe (text online)
• "Brokeback Mountain" by Annie Proulx
• "The Red Room" by H.G. Wells
• "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov
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