Administration not only in financial terms but also in the neatness / orderliness us in the books.
Administration is not only done within a certain time but every day continuously.
Administration is an effort to make the collaborative activities between teachers and employees for more effective teaching and learning process.
Administration of educational facilities is of great support for the achievement of a goal of education, as a personal education we are required to mastering and understanding the administrative facilities and infrastructure, to enhance effective and efficient working and able to appreciate the work ethic of personal fellow education, so that will create harmony, comfort and a sense of pride can lead to a good school citizens and residents of surrounding communities. Environmental education will be positive or negative depends on the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure administration itself. Lack of personal knowledge of the school administration will be administrative facilities and educational infrastructure, and lack of interest from them to know and understand it very seriously, therefore we put together this paper.
A. Understanding Understanding Education Administration review of educational administration will be explained in its various aspects. Let's look at the administration of education in its various aspects, in order that we can understand it better.
* First, educational administration have an understanding of working together to achieve educational goals. As we know, the purpose of education that extends from the goals simple to complex order, depending on the scope and level of understanding is education. The purpose of education in a one hour lesson in first grade junior high school, for example, more easily defined and achieved compared with the aim of special education schools for adults, or national education goals. If the goal is complex, then how to achieve that goal too complex, and often such a goal could not be achieved by one person alone, but must be through cooperation with others, with all aspects of its complexity.
Second, educational administration implies mencpai process for educational purposes. The process begins from planning, organizing, directing, guiding, and assessment. Planning includes activities define what is to be achieved, how to get there, how long, how many people are needed and how much it will cost.
* Planning is made before any action undertaken. Third, the administration of education can be viewed with a frame of mind the system. Overall system is composed of the parts and the parts that interact in sautu process to convert inputs into outputs.
Fourth, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of management. If the administration viewed from this angle, the attention turned to the effort to see whether the use of existing resources in achieving the goals of education has reached the target set and whether the achievement goals that did not happen extravagance. The source in question can be a source of people, money, facilities, and infrastructures as well as time.
Fifth, the educational administration can also be viewed in terms of leadership. Educational administration leadership viewed from an attempt to question how the ability of administrators menajwab penddikan it, whether he can carry out tut wuri handayani, Mangun Karso Madyo ing and ing Ngarso sungtulodo in achieving educational goals.
* Sixth, the administration of education also can be seen from the decision making process. We know that working together and leading the activities of a group of people is not an easy job. Each time, administrators confronted with a variety of problems, and he must solve the problem. Seventh, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of communication. Communication can be interpreted simply as an attempt to make others understand what we mean and we also understand what it meant someone else.
Eighth, the administration is often interpreted in a narrow sense that is credible form of administration that essentially dalah routine record-notes, documenting activities, held a correspondence with all its aspects, and prepare reports.
B. Education Administration Functions Exposure of administrative functions, especially in the context of school education needs to start from an overview of the goals of education. This is caused by the principle that basically amdinistrasi education activities intended to achieve the educational goals. The objective was achieved through a series of businesses, ranging from planning to carry out an evaluation of the business. Basically, the administrative function is the process of achieving that goal through a series of efforts (Longenecker, 1964). Therefore, the functions of educational administration as a series of processes discussed cooperation to achieve the educational goals.
The aim of education should be discussed here for reasons as follows:
a). purpose of education is a derived from the national education goals. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship needs to be done.
b), the purpose of education is the starting point of educational administration at the school level, and
c), the purpose of education is also a measure of the success of educational administration at the level of education. 2. The process as a function of education administration in order for the activities of educational administration component can run well and achieve the objectives, activities must be managed through something which is the stage of the process cycle (cycle), starting from planning, pengorganisassi, directing, coordinating, financing, monitoring, and assessment as has been alluded to an outline in the previous section.
Below will be described in more detail the process.
a. Planning Planning is the selection of a number of alternatives regarding the achievement of determination procedures, and estimates the resources that can be provided to achieve that goal. The meaning of sources including human resources, materials, money, and time. In planning, we know of several stages, namely stage,
a). identification problem,
b) formulation of the problem,
c). goal setting,
d). identification of alternatives,
e). alternative selection, and
f). alternative elaboration.
b. Organizing the school can be defined as the whole process to select and sort out the people (teachers and other school personnel) and allocate infrastructure and advice to support the task of these people in order to achieve school goals. Included in the activities of the organization is the determination of duties, responsibilities, and authority of such persons, and the mechanism works so that it can be the achievement of school goals.
c. Briefing Briefing interpreted as an attempt to keep what has been planned to run as you see fit. Suharsimi Arikunto (1988) gives the definition of guidance as an explanation, instructions, and deliberations and guidance of pre officers involved, both structurally and functionally for the implementation of the task can proceed smoothly.
d. Coordinating Coordinating the school interpreted as an attempt to integrate the activities of various individuals or units at the school for their activities to walk in harmony with the member or other units in an effort to achieve school goals.
e. Financing Financing is an activity to get the school fees and manage the budget revenue and expenditure secondary education. This activity starts from the planning cost, effort to obtain funds to support the plan, use, and monitoring the use of the budget.
f. Assessment In certain times, the school, in general or members of organizations such as teachers, principals, and students in particular should make an assessment about how far the intended purpose is achieved, and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the program implemented. In more detail the purpose of assessment is to:
a) obtain a basis for consideration of whether the end of a period of employment is successful,
b). ensure how to work effectively and efficiently,
c). get the facts about kesurakan menghidarkan-difficulty and to situations that could damage, as well as
d). advance the ability of teachers and parents in developing school organization.
C. Field Scope Educational Administration Garapan From the above description, it appears that the administration of education in essence is that all forms of joint efforts to achieve educational goals by designing, conducting, and utilizing the resources (people, money, equipment, and time).
The purpose of education provide direction and criteria for success credible form of that activity. - Field material administration: administration of activities related to the fields of material. Such as: the school administration, financial administration, tools equipment. - Field personnel administration, which includes the issue of teachers and school officials and so forth. - Field administration curriculum, which includes therein the implementation of curriculum, curriculum development, preparation of syllabus, daily perisapan, and so forth.
D. Role of Teachers in Educational Administration The main task of the teacher is managing the teaching-learning process in a particular environment, ie school. School is a national education subsystem and next to schools, national education system also has other components. Teachers should understand what is happening in the environment works. At school teachers are in school administration, schools carry out activities to produce graduates who are the number and quality determined. Within the scope of the role of the school administration is very important teachers. In setting policy and carrying out the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, financing and assessment of curriculum activities, student, facilities and infrastructure, school personnel, financial and school-community relations, teachers must actively contribute, both mind and strength. School administration is the work that is collaborative, meaning work that is based on cooperation, and not the individual. Therefore, all school personnel including teachers must be involved.
Education and programs aimed to achieve educational goals, the definition of educational administration can be formulated from various points of view of cooperation, the cooperation process, system and mechanism, management, leadership, decision-making processes, communication and administration. Teachers are very instrumental in educational administration, the main task of the teacher as a manager in the process of teaching and learning in certain environments, namely schools
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