Minggu, 28 November 2010
Evaluasi Diagnostik (II)
Seorang dokter, sebelum menentukan obat apa yang diberikan kepada si pasien dokter tersebut mengadakan pemeriksaan secara teliti dahulu, misalnya : memeriksa denyut nadi, suara nafas, reaksi lutut, urine, darah dan sebagainya. Mengadakan pemeriksaan ini disebut mengadakan diagnosis.
Sedangkan mengadakan pengobatan disebut mengadakan terapi. Demikian juga seorang guru terhadap siswa. Sebelum dapat memberikan bantuan dengan tepat, guru harus mengadakan tes yang maksudnya mengadakan diagnosis. Tes ini disebut tes diagnosis atau dengan kata lain evaluasi diagnosis.
Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa, evaluasi diagnostik merupakan evaluasi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan atau hambatan-hambatan yang menyebabkan seorang peserta didik terhalang kemajuannya, untuk mengenali bantuan yang perlu dilakukan terhadap peserta didik tersebut.
Objek dan Subjek evaluasi diagnostik
Objek atau sasaran penelitian adalah segela sesuatu yang menjadi titik pusat pengamatan karena penilai menginginkan informasi tentang sesuatu tersebut.
Dengan masih menggunakan diagram tentang transformasi, maka obyek penilaian meliputi:
Calon siswa sebagai pribadi yang utuh, dapat ditinjau dari beberapa segi yang menghasilkan bermacam-macam bentuk tes yang digunakan sebagai alat mengukur.
Aspek yang bersifat rohani setidak-tidaknya mencakup 4 hal:
1. Kemampuan.
Untuk dapat mengikuti program dalam suatu lembaga/ sekolah/institusi, maka calom siswa harus memiliki kemampuan yang sepadan.
2. Kepribadian.
Kepribadian adalah sesuatu yang terdapat pada diri manusia dan menampakkan bentuknya dalam tingkah laku.
3. Sikap-sikap.
Sebenarnya sikap ini merupakan bagian dari tingkah laku manusia sebagai gejela gambaran kepribadian yang memancar keluar.
4. Inteligensi.
Untuk mengetahui tingkat inteligensi ini digunakan tes inteligensi yang sudah banyak diciptakan oleh para ahli.dalam hal ini yang terkenal adalah tes bantuan Binet dan Simon yang dikenal dengan tes Binet- Simon. Selain itu ada lagi tes-tes yang lain misalnya SPM, Tintum dan sebagainya.
Unsur-unsur dalam transformasi yang menjadi obyek penilaian antara lain:
1) Kurikulum/materi
2) Metode dan cara penelitian
3) Sarana pendidikan/media
4) Sistem administrasi
5) Guru dan persoalan lainya
Penelitian terhadap lulusan sesuatu sekolah dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh tingkat pencapaian/prestasi belajar mereka selama mengikuti program.
Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan subyek evaluasi adalah orang yang melakukan pekerjaan evaluasi.
Siapa yang dapat disebut sebagai subyek evaluasi untuk setiap tes, ditentukan oleh suatu aturan pembagian tugas atau ketentuan yang berlaku. Misalnya :
•Untuk melaksanakan evaluasi tentang prestasi belajar atau penciptaan, maka sebagai subyek evaluasi adalah guru.
•Untuk melaksanakan evaluasi sikap yang menggunakan sebuah skala, maka sebagai sudyeknya dapat meminta petugas yang ditunjuk
•Untuk melaksanakan evaluasi terhadap kepribadian dimana menggunakan sebuah alat ukur yang sudah distandardisir, maka subyeknya adalah ahli-ahli psikologi. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1997: )
Kamis, 25 November 2010
Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland to work excessively, resulting in large amounts of thyroid hormone.
Hyperthyroidism can be found in the form of Graves' disease, toxic goiter or hyperthyroidism noduler secondary.
Common characteristics of people who have hyperthyroid disease, among others:
- Thin, eat a lot but can not be fat
- Large eyes (wide = exophthalmus)
- Another complaint in the eye (like pain, light sensitivity, vision disorders and conjunctivitis)
- Enlarged thyroid gland (struma nodosa), or may not
- Rapid heartbeat
- Trembling fingertips.
Graves' disease
Graves' disease (goiter difusa toksika) believed to be caused by an antibody that stimulates the thyroid to produce excessive hormones torid. Graves' disease patients have typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism and 3 special additional symptoms:
* The entire gland is stimulated, so that the gland is enlarged, causing a lump in the neck (goiter, goiter)
* Eksoftalmus (protruding eyes).
This occurs as a result of the accumulation of substances within the orbit of the eye.
* Kering.Otot bone protrusion of the skin over the muscles that move the eye is unable to function properly, making it difficult or impossible to move the eyes as normal or difficult to coordinate eye movements, resulting in the view ganda.Kelopak eye can not close completely, so that the eyes are exposed to by foreign objects and experiencing kekeringan.Perubahan eye can occur many years before other symptoms arise (an early sign of Graves' disease) or can also appear after other symptoms arise.
· Eye symptoms can even occur or get worse after the release of excessive thyroid hormone is successfully treated and controlled.
* Eye symptoms can be reduced by:
- Placing the head at a higher position in bed
- Provides eye drops
- Sleeping with the eyelids closed, with the help of plaster
- Taking diuretics (sometimes).
Double vision can be corrected by wearing prism glasses.
If the above measures do not help, may need to be given a corticosteroid drug, X-ray therapy or eye surgery.
Substance is buried in the back of the eye also can accumulate in the skin, usually on the shins. Regional thickening in can feel itchy and red and feels hard when pressed with your fingers.
Thickening of the skin can also occur before or after other symptoms of hyperthyroidism occur.
To reduce itching and skin hardness, can be given corticosteroid cream or ointment. This disorder often disappears by itself a few months or years later.
Goiter noduler toksika
In noduler toksika goiter, one or several nodules in the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone and are beyond the control of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone.
These nodules is really a benign thyroid tumor and not related to the protrusion of the eyes and skin disorders in Graves' disease.
Secondary hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism can be caused by a pituitary tumor that produces too much TSH, which stimulates the thyroid to produce excessive thyroid hormone.
Other causes are pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone, so the pituitary gland produces too much TSH.
Women with hydatidiform mole (pregnant wine) bus also suffered from hyperthyroidism because of excessive stimulation of the gland due tirois levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is high in the blood.
If the pregnancy is terminated and HCG wine no longer found in the blood, the hyperthyroidism will disappear.
The cause of hyperthyroidism are: immunological reactions · thyroiditis · toxic thyroid adenoma
v In hyperthyroidism, whatever the cause, an increase in body functions:
- The heart beats faster and heart rhythm abnormalities may occur, which can cause palpitations (heart palpitations)
- Blood pressure tends to increase
- Patients feel warm even in a cool room
- The skin becomes moist and tend to spend excessive perspiration
- Hand showed tremors (shaking) fine
- People feel nervous, tired and weak even though not doing heavy activity
- Increases appetite, but weight loss
- Difficulty sleeping
- Frequent bowel movements, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea
- There is a change in the eye: swelling around the eyes, increased tear formation, irritation and sensitive to light. These symptoms will soon disappear after the release of thyroid hormones under control, except in Graves' disease causes specific eye disorders.
Thyroid storm is a very excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which occurred suddenly.
v thyroid storm usually occurs because of hypothyroidism is not treated or because of inadequate treatment, and can be triggered by:
- Infection
- Trauma
- Surgery
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Fear
- Pregnancy or childbirth
- Do not continue treatment of thyroid
- Other stress.
Thyroid storm is rare in children.
v thyroid storm can cause:
- Fever
- Muscle weakness and exceptional pengkisutan
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Confusion
- Change of consciousness (even happen commas)
- Liver enlargement accompanied by mild jaundice.
Thyroid storm is an emergency situation that is very dangerous and requires immediate action.
Heavy pressure on the heart can cause heart rhythm irregularities that can be fatal (arrhythmias) and shock.
Vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure) show increased heart rate. Systolic blood pressure may increase.
Physical examination may reveal thyroid enlargement or goiter.
To assess thyroid function examination:
- TSH serum (usually decreased)
- T3, T4 (usually increasing).
Hyperthyroidism can usually be treated with drugs, other options are surgery to remove the thyroid gland or radioactive iodine.
Each treatment has advantages and disadvantages.
In order to work properly, the thyroid gland requires a small amount of iodine; excessive amount of iodine can reduce the amount of hormone that is made and prevents the release of thyroid hormones.
Therefore, to stop the release of thyroid hormone excess, can be given high doses of iodine.
Provision of iodine especially useful if hyperthyroidism must be controlled (eg in case of thyroid storm or prior surgery).
Iodine is used in the treatment of routine or long-term treatment.
Propylthiouracyl or metimazol, is the drug most often used to treat hyperthyroidism. These drugs slow down thyroid function by reducing the formation of thyroid hormone by the gland.
Both drugs were given by mouth (swallowed), starting with high doses, then disesuaika with the results of blood tests of thyroid hormone.
These drugs can usually control the thyroid function within 6 weeks to 3 months. Higher doses can accelerate fungis control thyroid, but the risk of side effects also increases.
Side effects that occur can be an allergic reaction (skin rash), nausea, loss of taste and suppression of red blood cell synthesis in bone marrow. Bone marrow suppression can cause a reduction in the number of white blood cells, so that patients are very susceptible to infection.
In pregnant women, use more secure than propiltriurasil metimazol because fewer drugs to the fetus.
The drugs, beta blockers (eg propranolol) help control some symptoms of hyperthyroidism. These drugs are effective in slowing a rapid heart rate, reduce the shaking and anxiety control.
Beta blockers, especially useful in dealing with thyroid storm and patients who have symptoms that are disturbing or dangerous, which hipertiroidismenya not be controlled by other drugs. But beta blockers do not control the abnormal thyroid function.
Hyperthyroidism can also be treated with radioactive iodine, which destroys the thyroid kelanjar.
Radioactive iodine by mouth gives a very small effect on the body, but gives a great influence on the thyroid gland. Therefore, the dose is adjusted so that only destroys a small amount for the formation of thyroid hormones returned to normal, without too much reducing thyroid function.
Most of the use of radioactive iodine in the end cause hypothyroidism. About 25% of patients experienced hypothyroidism within 1 year after radioactive iodine.
Radioactive iodine is not given to pregnant women because it can pass through the placenta barrier and can damage the fetal thyroid gland.
At thyroidectomy, thyroid glands removed surgically.
Surgery is the treatment of choice for:
- Young people
- People with a very large gondoknya
- Patients who are allergic to drugs or suffer side effects from drugs.
After undergoing surgery, may develop hypothyroidism. The patient was given hormone replacement therapy throughout his life.
Other complications of surgery are vocal cord paralysis and damage to the parathyroid glands (small glands behind the thyroid gland that controls calcium levels in the blood).

Hyperthyroidism can be found in the form of Graves' disease, toxic goiter or hyperthyroidism noduler secondary.
Common characteristics of people who have hyperthyroid disease, among others:
- Thin, eat a lot but can not be fat
- Large eyes (wide = exophthalmus)
- Another complaint in the eye (like pain, light sensitivity, vision disorders and conjunctivitis)
- Enlarged thyroid gland (struma nodosa), or may not
- Rapid heartbeat
- Trembling fingertips.
Graves' disease
Graves' disease (goiter difusa toksika) believed to be caused by an antibody that stimulates the thyroid to produce excessive hormones torid. Graves' disease patients have typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism and 3 special additional symptoms:
* The entire gland is stimulated, so that the gland is enlarged, causing a lump in the neck (goiter, goiter)
* Eksoftalmus (protruding eyes).
This occurs as a result of the accumulation of substances within the orbit of the eye.
* Kering.Otot bone protrusion of the skin over the muscles that move the eye is unable to function properly, making it difficult or impossible to move the eyes as normal or difficult to coordinate eye movements, resulting in the view ganda.Kelopak eye can not close completely, so that the eyes are exposed to by foreign objects and experiencing kekeringan.Perubahan eye can occur many years before other symptoms arise (an early sign of Graves' disease) or can also appear after other symptoms arise.
· Eye symptoms can even occur or get worse after the release of excessive thyroid hormone is successfully treated and controlled.
* Eye symptoms can be reduced by:
- Placing the head at a higher position in bed
- Provides eye drops
- Sleeping with the eyelids closed, with the help of plaster
- Taking diuretics (sometimes).
Double vision can be corrected by wearing prism glasses.
If the above measures do not help, may need to be given a corticosteroid drug, X-ray therapy or eye surgery.
Substance is buried in the back of the eye also can accumulate in the skin, usually on the shins. Regional thickening in can feel itchy and red and feels hard when pressed with your fingers.
Thickening of the skin can also occur before or after other symptoms of hyperthyroidism occur.
To reduce itching and skin hardness, can be given corticosteroid cream or ointment. This disorder often disappears by itself a few months or years later.
Goiter noduler toksika
In noduler toksika goiter, one or several nodules in the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone and are beyond the control of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone.
These nodules is really a benign thyroid tumor and not related to the protrusion of the eyes and skin disorders in Graves' disease.
Secondary hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism can be caused by a pituitary tumor that produces too much TSH, which stimulates the thyroid to produce excessive thyroid hormone.
Other causes are pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone, so the pituitary gland produces too much TSH.
Women with hydatidiform mole (pregnant wine) bus also suffered from hyperthyroidism because of excessive stimulation of the gland due tirois levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is high in the blood.
If the pregnancy is terminated and HCG wine no longer found in the blood, the hyperthyroidism will disappear.
The cause of hyperthyroidism are: immunological reactions · thyroiditis · toxic thyroid adenoma
v In hyperthyroidism, whatever the cause, an increase in body functions:
- The heart beats faster and heart rhythm abnormalities may occur, which can cause palpitations (heart palpitations)
- Blood pressure tends to increase
- Patients feel warm even in a cool room
- The skin becomes moist and tend to spend excessive perspiration
- Hand showed tremors (shaking) fine
- People feel nervous, tired and weak even though not doing heavy activity
- Increases appetite, but weight loss
- Difficulty sleeping
- Frequent bowel movements, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea
- There is a change in the eye: swelling around the eyes, increased tear formation, irritation and sensitive to light. These symptoms will soon disappear after the release of thyroid hormones under control, except in Graves' disease causes specific eye disorders.
Thyroid storm is a very excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which occurred suddenly.
v thyroid storm usually occurs because of hypothyroidism is not treated or because of inadequate treatment, and can be triggered by:
- Infection
- Trauma
- Surgery
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Fear
- Pregnancy or childbirth
- Do not continue treatment of thyroid
- Other stress.
Thyroid storm is rare in children.
v thyroid storm can cause:
- Fever
- Muscle weakness and exceptional pengkisutan
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Confusion
- Change of consciousness (even happen commas)
- Liver enlargement accompanied by mild jaundice.
Thyroid storm is an emergency situation that is very dangerous and requires immediate action.
Heavy pressure on the heart can cause heart rhythm irregularities that can be fatal (arrhythmias) and shock.
Vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure) show increased heart rate. Systolic blood pressure may increase.
Physical examination may reveal thyroid enlargement or goiter.
To assess thyroid function examination:
- TSH serum (usually decreased)
- T3, T4 (usually increasing).
Hyperthyroidism can usually be treated with drugs, other options are surgery to remove the thyroid gland or radioactive iodine.
Each treatment has advantages and disadvantages.
In order to work properly, the thyroid gland requires a small amount of iodine; excessive amount of iodine can reduce the amount of hormone that is made and prevents the release of thyroid hormones.
Therefore, to stop the release of thyroid hormone excess, can be given high doses of iodine.
Provision of iodine especially useful if hyperthyroidism must be controlled (eg in case of thyroid storm or prior surgery).
Iodine is used in the treatment of routine or long-term treatment.
Propylthiouracyl or metimazol, is the drug most often used to treat hyperthyroidism. These drugs slow down thyroid function by reducing the formation of thyroid hormone by the gland.
Both drugs were given by mouth (swallowed), starting with high doses, then disesuaika with the results of blood tests of thyroid hormone.
These drugs can usually control the thyroid function within 6 weeks to 3 months. Higher doses can accelerate fungis control thyroid, but the risk of side effects also increases.
Side effects that occur can be an allergic reaction (skin rash), nausea, loss of taste and suppression of red blood cell synthesis in bone marrow. Bone marrow suppression can cause a reduction in the number of white blood cells, so that patients are very susceptible to infection.
In pregnant women, use more secure than propiltriurasil metimazol because fewer drugs to the fetus.
The drugs, beta blockers (eg propranolol) help control some symptoms of hyperthyroidism. These drugs are effective in slowing a rapid heart rate, reduce the shaking and anxiety control.
Beta blockers, especially useful in dealing with thyroid storm and patients who have symptoms that are disturbing or dangerous, which hipertiroidismenya not be controlled by other drugs. But beta blockers do not control the abnormal thyroid function.
Hyperthyroidism can also be treated with radioactive iodine, which destroys the thyroid kelanjar.
Radioactive iodine by mouth gives a very small effect on the body, but gives a great influence on the thyroid gland. Therefore, the dose is adjusted so that only destroys a small amount for the formation of thyroid hormones returned to normal, without too much reducing thyroid function.
Most of the use of radioactive iodine in the end cause hypothyroidism. About 25% of patients experienced hypothyroidism within 1 year after radioactive iodine.
Radioactive iodine is not given to pregnant women because it can pass through the placenta barrier and can damage the fetal thyroid gland.
At thyroidectomy, thyroid glands removed surgically.
Surgery is the treatment of choice for:
- Young people
- People with a very large gondoknya
- Patients who are allergic to drugs or suffer side effects from drugs.
After undergoing surgery, may develop hypothyroidism. The patient was given hormone replacement therapy throughout his life.
Other complications of surgery are vocal cord paralysis and damage to the parathyroid glands (small glands behind the thyroid gland that controls calcium levels in the blood).
InfraRED, Spitzer Space Telescope and Gamma
Spitzer Space Telescope
Launched on August 25, 2003 which is designed for 2.5-year mission, Spitzer Space Telescope was designed to obtain images and spectra by detecting the energy between wavelengths of 3 and 180 microns. Most of this infrared radiation is blocked by Earth's atmosphere and can not be observed from the ground.
Consisting of a 0.85-meter telescope and three cryogenically-cooled science instruments, Spitzer is an infrared telescope The Largest ever launched into space It is Designed to explore regions of space the which are hidden from optical telescopes. Many areas of space are filled with vast, dense clouds of gas and dust the which block our view. Infrared light, however cans penetrate these clouds, allowing us to Observe regions of star formation, the centers of galaxies, and newly forming planetary systems. Infrared Also Brings us information about the cooler objects in space, Such as the which Smaller stars are too dim to be detected by Their visible light, extrasolar planets, and giant molecular clouds.Also, many molecules in space, Including organic molecules, have Their unique signatures in the infrared.Spitzer made an observation of the Andromeda galaxy and detected in the infrared image Evidence That the Smaller galaxy M32 Had in fact collided with Andromeda in the past.
* The term "infrared" refers to a broad range of frequencies, beginning at the top end of those frequencies Used for communication and extending up the the low frequency (red) end of the visible spectrum. The wavelength range is from about 1 millimeter down to 750 nm. The range adjacent to the visible spectrum is Called the "near infrared" and the longer wavelength part is called "far infrared".
In Interactions with matter, infrared primarily acts to set the molecules into vibration. Infrared spectrometers are widely Used to study the vibrational spectra of molecules.
Infrared does not penetrate the atmosphere well, but in the infrared astronomy is carried out with the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Space Telescope.
Frequencies: .003 - 4 x 10 14 Hz
Wavelengths: 1 mm - 750 nm
Quantum energies: 0.0012 - 1.65 eV
Electromagnetic spectrum
The narrow visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to the wavelengths near the maximum of the Sun's radiation curve. In Interactions with matter, visible light primarily acts to Elevate electrons to higher energy levels.
White Light May be separated into its spectral colors by dispersion in a prism.
Frequencies: 4 - 7.5 x 10 14 Hz
Wavelengths: 750-400 nm
Quantum energies: 1.65 - 3.1 eV
The region just below the visible wavelengths is Called in the near ultraviolet. It is very strongly absorbed by most solid substances, and even absorbed appreciably by water. The shorter wavelengths reach the ionization energy for many molecules, so the far ultraviolet has Some of the Dangers attendent to other ionizing radiation. The tissue effects of ultraviolet light include sunburn, but Some cans have therapeutic effects as well. The sun is a strong source of ultraviolet radiation, but atmospheric absorption eliminates most of the shorter wavelengths. The eyes are Quite susceptible to damage from ultraviolet radiation. Welders must wear protective eye shields Because of the uv content of welding arcs cans inflamed the eyes.Snow-blindness is another example of uv inflamation; the snow reflects uv while most other substances absorb it strongly.
Frequencies: 7.5 x 10 14-3 x 10 16 Hz Frequency: 7.5 x 10 14-3 x 10 16 Hz
Wavelengths: 400 nm - 10 nm
Quantum energies: 3.1 - 124 eV
Electromagnetic spectrum
X-ray was the name given to the highly penetrating rays are the which emanated Pls high-energy electrons struck a metal target. Within a short time of Their discovery, They were the resource being Used in medical facilities to image broken bones. We now know That They are high frequency electromagnetic rays are produced Pls the which the electrons are decelerated Suddenly - these rays are Called bremsstrahlung radiation, or "braking radiation". X-rays are produced in this way have definite energies have just like other "line spectra from atomic electrons. They are Called characteristic x-rays since They have energies determined by the atomic energy levels.
* In Interactions with matter, x-rays are ionizing radiation and Produce the which physiological effects are not observed with any exposure of non-ionizing radiation, Such as the risk of mutations or cancer in tissue.
Astronomical observations in the X-ray region of the spectrum are obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
X-rays are part of the Electromagnetic spectrum
Frequencies: 3 x 10 16 Hz upward Frequency: 3 x 10 16 Hz to top
Wavelengths: 10 nm
Quantum energies: 124 eV -> Quantum upward energy: 124 eV
The term gamma ray is Used to denote electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus as a part of a radioactive process.The energy of nuclear radiation is extremely high Because Such radiation is born in the intense conflict Between the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force, the two strongest basic forces. The gamma ray photon May in fact be identical to an x-ray, since both are electromagnetic rays; the terms x-rays and gamma rays are statements about the origin rather Than implying different Kinds of radiation.
* In Interactions with matter, gamma rays are ionizing radiation and Produce the which physiological effects are not observed with any exposure of non-ionizing radiation, Such as the risk of mutations or cancer in tissue.
Frequencies: typically> 10 20 Hz
Wavelengths: typically <10 -12 m
Quantum energies: typically> 1 MeV
Eggs Hatch Tool Making Simplified
Eggs Hatch Tool Making Simplified
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1. Box incubator
2. Heater
3. Temperature controller
4. Temperature and humidity bookmark bookmark
5. A place to store eggs
Parameters for the process of hatching eggs
• Temperature of incubation 99 ° F - 100 ° F or about 37.2 ° C - 37.8 ° C
• Humidity incubation 60% or 86 ° F - 87 ° F temperature
• Incubation 26 days plus hatch 2-3 days.
• Reversal of eggs at least 2x a day.
Tools and Materials
1. Thermocontrol
This tool has a separate thermocouple sensors and potentiometers for tuning dial the desired temperature. 2 ° C temperature range, with capability up to 110 ° C, but there also has the ability to dial only 50 ° C.
2. There's also a digital model with a variety of features with a more expensive price.
3. The heating element
The heating element is used to raise the temperature in the room temperature until the desired temperature.
The first is by using a light bulb. Propagation of heat from incandescent light bulb will warm the room. But there are shortcomings of the hot potato that tends lambat.Karena, 25 watts is too low (about 34 ° C), 60 watts is too high (± 41 ° C). For that to use a heating element which is used on an electric stove. Elements with 300 watt maximum power that a small spiral-shaped and arranged to be drawn to say the price is affordable and capable merambatkan heat quickly.
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Lights inside the eggs hatch tool can be used other than as a torch, as well as to better maintain the temperature. Lamp is connected with a separate switch that can turn off dihidup separately with the heating element. In addition it also serves as a backup when the heating element broke.
5. Box hatching eggs
Box size 50cm high, 24cm wide and 30cm long it can use a children's toy box by adding the door of the multiplex and the hinge material.
6. Temperature and humidity control equipment
Simple thermometer can be used in the hatching egg. This thermometer contains no mercury / mercury-coated with multiple boards (± Rp. 10,000) or a bar (IDR 12,500). To note that ordinary thermometer is a tool for measuring dry air. As for humidity using a humidity gauge / higrometer.
Humidity is a very important factor for growth of chicken embryos, especially when they hatch because it deals with whether or not the dry condition of the shell and evaporation.
To note is that the measurement is made at various angles within the eggs hatch tool.
It's about me
now, I studied at the Faculty of Science majoring in physics, in one state university and have almost completed the second year .... everyone knows, but no deeper than my mama ... they say, I was the proud, feeling myself to this most able and important in various places ... a sociable child to the extent that could harm the good faith ... he said, I can derail them ... children ... even the most spirit may be superman if included in the craft .. namely in the fields of administration ....
no .. they do not know me ... I was a child, a woman who always fantasized being a young lady, lighthearted, not never give up and have a sister who is almost perfect physically and materially ........... ... You know, before I entered college, I followed a lot of selection tests ... official act as strong and brave man with martial arts which I maintain to this day ...
I always was the second son, who always spoiled by my older brother ..... it fifteen years ago, now I'm the first child of all that concentrated at me .... you know how it feels? frustrating and disappointing ... I want my brother ....!!! I always felt that my time in this world not long ... and I keep and keep looking for any way I can still be useful ... finally, I was determined to live a full benefits ... much part of the committee, many organizations, many teach, and keep college .... but I forgot, I still have family that they need me tuk could be with them on the sidelines of kesibukanku .... I will try to make them smile .. somehow ....
I did not expect to get a degree superman tuk their abis .... long ... slow ... very cool, how can I be silent ...
I, Young Miss will try to get IP .... 3.23 for this semester ... mandate is very satisfying .... SPIRIT ...
no .. they do not know me ... I was a child, a woman who always fantasized being a young lady, lighthearted, not never give up and have a sister who is almost perfect physically and materially ........... ... You know, before I entered college, I followed a lot of selection tests ... official act as strong and brave man with martial arts which I maintain to this day ...
I always was the second son, who always spoiled by my older brother ..... it fifteen years ago, now I'm the first child of all that concentrated at me .... you know how it feels? frustrating and disappointing ... I want my brother ....!!! I always felt that my time in this world not long ... and I keep and keep looking for any way I can still be useful ... finally, I was determined to live a full benefits ... much part of the committee, many organizations, many teach, and keep college .... but I forgot, I still have family that they need me tuk could be with them on the sidelines of kesibukanku .... I will try to make them smile .. somehow ....
I did not expect to get a degree superman tuk their abis .... long ... slow ... very cool, how can I be silent ...
I, Young Miss will try to get IP .... 3.23 for this semester ... mandate is very satisfying .... SPIRIT ...
5 Stages of Sleep
Sleep, who among us that never sleeps? But, have we ever know what and how exactly the process that occurs when we sleep?
From the very get up till we get up again, exactly the process we go through 5 stages. The five stages are:
1. Fully aware
By the time we wake up / fully conscious, the brain out with very high frequency waves, called beta brain waves.
2. The first stage of sleep
At the moment we are getting sleepy, your brain out of alpha brain waves (a type of beta brain waves with a frequency slightly lower) and less theta brain waves. At this stage, the body becomes relaxed and the heart rate becomes low. The first stage is often we experience, perhaps unwittingly, for example when studying in class, listening to lectures, or on a sunny day, calm, and peaceful. The first stage can be described as "the entrance to the bed".
3. The second stage of sleep
In phase two, we experience patterns of brain waves called sleep spindles, and K-Complexes. These are the sudden activity of the brain, where the brain seems to "auto-off". At this stage, we are still very easy to be aroused. Most people are woken up when in this stage to say "I'm still awake."
4. The third and fourth stages of sleep (deep sleep)
At this stage we otherwise really sleep. At this time, the brain out brain waves with the lowest frequency, called delta brain waves. Blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate reached the lowest stage. Dilated blood vessels, and most of the blood that is usually stored in organs go to repair muscle.
5. The fifth stage of sleep (REM sleep)
So far scientists do not know what the purpose of this phase. This stage is also known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, because at this stage of our eyes move rapidly in all directions (but of course the eye was still inside the cavity of the eye). At this stage too, we usually have dreams. 95% of people experiencing these dreams in REM sleep. Another uniqueness of REM sleep is, in contrast to other phases of sleep, the brain precisely at this issue with the frequency of brain waves are very high, like when we are fully awake.
Sleep Cycle
When we sleep, we actually have all five stages were repeated. For more details, see the following sequence: in general, the stages in the sleep cycle we follow the following pattern: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM ... ... in which each cycle occurs about every 60-100 minutes, is different in each person.
Two important facts that we can observe from the above sequence is:1. Decreased sleep duration continue as we sleep. The first time occurred, the duration of sleep (sleep stage 4) is quite long, but the more we approach when you wake up, becoming much shorter duration, even disappear.
2. REM sleep duration is increasing, as we sleep. At the first moment of sleep, we do not experience REM sleep. Consider getting closer to wake, REM sleep duration was longer. We can now notice that the duration for each of the different sleep stages.
Benefits of sleep stage
When we lack sleep, we'll feel weak, tired, headache, muscle pain, and difficulty concentrating.
Because deep sleep is considered important to maintain physical function of the body, get a sound sleep at the beginning of the longest duration of sleep. Even if we lack sleep, your body will give priority to sacrifice sleep and other stages. This resulted in a deep sleep almost impossible to miss during sleep.
Our immune system is active during sleep. That's why when we sleep more pain.
Benefits of Sleep Stage REM.
Lack of REM sleep stages also caused disruption at the time we wake up, especially the difficulties in this konsentrasi.Sejauh, scientists do not know what exactly the functions provided by this REM sleep.
However, REM sleep is not considered significant in maintaining physical function tubuh.Namun, scientists theorize that we absorb most of the learning at the time awake during REM sleep. This explains why babies spend most of his time sleeping, 50% of sleep time is REM sleep.
Sleep Clock
There is a mechanism in our bodies that regulate our sleep quality is determined by how deep and how long we sleep. This mechanism is called the body clock. But since we're talking about sleep, this term will be changed to the sleep clock. Sleep clock, is a system that underlie and regulate our sleep and energy.
Sleep clock has 4 main variables that affect our sleep:
1. Circadian Rhythm
The first part, and most importantly, from the sleep clock is Circadian Rhythm. Circadian Rhythm is a rhythm of body temperature. The temperature of our bodies, actually is not constant 37o C, but the rise and fall in line an hour increase in one day. Differences in body temperature that occurs in about 2o C. When body temperature rises, we become more awake and energetic, while the body temperature down when we become more tired and lazy. Body temperature rhythm is causing us to feel sleepy and woke up at the same hour every day .. Consider again the graph above.
In general, our body temperature will rise in the morning until it reaches the peak at about noon in the afternoon, then body temperature will decrease until it reaches its lowest point before increasing again. In addition, we can see that in the day our body temperature had dropped. This explains why during the day sometimes we feel sleepy and need a nap. However, because of the demands of social life, we sometimes resist the urge to sleep is, for example by consuming caffeine like coffee. Every person has a body temperature rhythm of each.
Normally, our body temperature rhythm will follow the same pattern. For example, if during the time we always get up at 6:00, then, regardless of hours we sleep, whether at 19.00, 21:00, 23:00, or 1.00, our body temperature will begin to increase in at 6:00. When we are sleepy in the next 4 hours, this means that at that period of time our body temperature increases slowly, and not yet reached its peak. Most people experience the culmination of body temperature at 6:00 p.m. to 19:00 hours.
If an when we get up early, at 4:00 for example, this does not make our body temperature is increased in at 4:00, our body temperature will remain low and only increased in at 6:00 as usual, and may make you sleepy during the 6 hours later (not 4 hours). This is the cause to get up earlier than usual, often feel very heavy!
If our body temperature rhythm is too flat (less increased or decreased), we will have difficulty achieving deep sleep. The difficulty of this sleep will not be discussed in detail in this paper. Maybe sometime I will make a special article about the trouble sleeping.
We can perform the appropriate action to optimize our body temperature rhythm, so that we can sleep less but have more energy. Change the rhythm of body temperature is not simple. Many people who experience jet lag because of sleep clock can not change them quickly. Optimization of this clock sleep I will discuss in a separate article later.
2. Melatonin and sunlight
The second important factor of sleep clock is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that formed the pineal gland and retina. Melatonin duty to make us fall asleep and restoring physical energy while we sleep. If melatonin is high, we will feel drowsy, weak, etc..
Melatonin levels in the body depends on the amount of sunlight received by the eye in one day. Much sunlight will slow down the formation of melatonin, whereas lack of sunlight will make the rapid increase in the amount of melatonin which resulted in the emergence of feeling sleepy, tired, etc..
This explains why the bad lighting in the classroom that we are more easily sleepy. To optimize our sleep clock, get enough sunlight meruapakan an obligation.
3. Level activity
The number of movements and cardiovascular exercises are carried out during the night a big impact on our body temperature rhythm. In general there are four benefits that can be obtained:
• Rapid increase in body temperature that can be very useful for the system to sleep.
• Increase peak body temperature during the day and increase our energy levels.
• Slowing the decline in body temperature the next day, makes us awake longer.
• body temperature down drasis at the end of the day so sleep more soundly.
4. Waking in the previous day
Waking us in the previous day was also very influential on the sleep clock, because the previous waking is associated with 3 factors before this. Longer maintained, we can perform a higher level of activity. In addition, almost awake longer means that we also met more sunlight.
Therefore, if we go to bed 8-9 hours per day and still feel weak, this may mean we need less sleep. We sleep too much and should increase waking to get to sleep more soundly and rhythm of body temperature that is more balanced.
Many people think the body during sleep to reduce its activity. they are not. activities undertaken only different in kind saja.Tubuh during sleep, will try to correct the chemical imbalance of the body, how to prepare proper blood sugar levels for the next day, maintain memory function, and many other things, even some not yet disclosed by the ahli.Tanda signs of life such as consciousness, puls, and respiratory rate changes. In normal sleep normally functioning motor nerve and sensory nerves. activities that require coordination with the central nervous system will be in the blockade, so that during sleep tend to not move and the power tanggappun reduced.
There are 6 reasons given The Harvard Women's Health Watch about why adequate sleep is important:
Learning and memory: Sleep helps the brain to receive new information into the memory through a process called memory consolidation (memory consolidation). In the study, people who slept after learning something to do with a better test.
Metabolism and weight: a chronic lack of sleep can cause weight gain by affecting the way to process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
Security: Lack of sleep causes people tend to fall asleep in the daytime. This incident can cause errors, such as medical error or traffic accidents
Mood: Lack of sleep can cause irritability, impatience, difficulty concentrating, and easily depressed. Too little sleep can also cause us to be tired of doing something we liked.
Healthy heart and veins: a serious disease insomnia related to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels, and abnormal heartbeat.
Disease: Sleep deprivation alter immune functions, including killer cell activity in the body. Adequate sleep may also help fight cancer. also
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the average most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to feel well rested.
According to researchers from the UK report, written by Jane E. Ferrie, PhD from University College London Medical School, too much or too little sleep can increase your risk of death.
Well, it means good sleep between 7-8 hours. Nighttime is the best time to sleep. Naturally be seen that during the day is a more suitable time for work and at night used to rest or sleep.
Effect of sleeping position
Dr. Jeffrey Lindenbaum, an expert on bone disease mainly associated with sleep problems, which is also spokesman for the American Osteopathic Association, said that a good sleeping position is that not cause the load on the spine, muscles and nerves.
The best position to health is like a baby's sleeping position in the womb, where the side sleeping position rests on one side, with legs bent close to the abdomen and back is also slightly bent.
This position reduces the load on the spine and allow the organs are not depressed and reduce pressure on the diaphragm. Using a pillow at the head or neck would shift the burden from the shoulders, so there is no suppression of nerve fibers that run from the neck to the arm
Sleeping on your back felt uncomfortable for some people who used to sleep on, and can cause a greater burden on his back and causing problems for those with certain health conditions. But people with back problems choose to sleep on your back with a small pillow placed under the knee. Even they sometimes use a specially designed pillow to put under your knees so your knees are slightly bent position will reduce the pressure on your back and help your abdominal muscles to be more relaxed.
Sleep on their backs is a problem for those with a hernia, reflux disorder gastoesofageal, and asthma. Those suffering from sinusitis will also experience difficulties with supine sleeping position, this position will cause the fluid from the nose straight down into the throat and can wake them up at night because he felt tightness or choking. For those who choose to sleep on his back, head and shoulders top should be propped up with pillows that are not too thick, or by elevating the head of bed slightly upward.
Sleep Phase II Process
In general, the process begins with the stage of sleep sleepy, which is the current state of consciousness with the environment is reduced. At the time of this sleepy, external stimuli can still be accepted easily and make awake or wake up again. Then, if the sleep process continues, then consciousness arises less and less and a phase of sleep known as chicken.At this stage, sensory rangasangan still less acceptable (the faint), but does not interfere with consciousness. The next phase is the last stage, the stage of deep sleep.
Since the tool EEG (Electro Encephalo Graph), the activities in the brain can be recorded in a graph.
Research on the mechanisms of sleep made progress in the last 10 years, and now even the experts have discovered the existence of two patterns of sleep, namely sleep patterns regular (non-REM) and the pattern of paradoxical sleep (REM).
a. Sleep-quiet which is also called non-REM sleep Slow Wave Sleep or register atasdasar brain electrical activity (EEG = electro-encefalogram). Characteristics is the heart beat, blood pressure and breathing regularly, and muscle relaxation without muscle movements of the face or eyes. SWS is more or less an hour. This stage is followed by stage b.
b. Sleep-paradoxical sleep or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) with a similar EEG activity was conscious and active and characterized by rapid eye movements, heart, blood pressure and respiration have fluctuated, increasing blood flow to the brain and muscles is loosened. During REM sleep which lasted 15-20 minutes initially occurred many dreams, it is also called dream sleep
Understanding Learning to Read and Write Someone
Graphology is different with the science of tattoo hands, or hand line. Although the accuracy of graphology to predict personality is often determined by how skilled interpreternya, but generally people agree that people should have neat writing, fine, and readable. So much that makes graphology also as a therapy some perilkau personality. Do not be surprised if teenagers who are in love usually also suddenly changed his writing. No one you need to educate the children have written a "good, readable, and in accordance with the EYD"
Although now the community moves towards the keyboard era, children still need to learn to write by hand. Writing hands away from just putting letters on paper. That is one important key to learning to read and communicate. Even the facts according to experts, developing writing skills reinforces reading skills and vice versa.
To be able to read well, children need to understand letters and sounds are generated and how the sound came out when the letters arranged into words. Learning to write letters also are important in understanding this. Writing hand is important, because the kids always asked to use it all the time at school kindergarten to elementary school.
Children who are familiar with the automatic writing of the keyboard will have difficulty when writing or test-taking, or completing school work. This can be guessed, it will affect the confidence and presence in the schools themselves later.
One important way to help children develop their literacy skills is to make them practice. Once your child is able to spell (at about the age of 1 year for the general case) offer a soft crayon or marker colors with a large paper and let him experiment.
When your child is growing, creating a special room with lots of art paper colorful and various kinds of art equipment like markers, crayons, pastels, color pencil, paint colors and brushes.
You can even encourage your child to write and draw when you're outside the home, by way of preparing lime, paint colors and a small bucket of water, a brush for mengecak "sidewalk" you. The more often kids use their tanggan, they will develop muscles, ability, and coordination required to write letters.
Once your children enter school and begin to practice writing in there, as parents should still continue to find new ways to practice at home. As suggested children write thank notes to family or friends.
Have them write a shopping list or recipe. Buy a book or use the journal and encourage your child to spend time at the end of the day to write in it. If your child's handwriting still looks ragged and difficult to read even after formal instruction from the school following the try some of these tips,
a. Help your child to write slowly. Many children have difficulty writing because they try to do quickly. Give the spirit in children by giving time to write form letters carefully and correctly.
Explain the errors made by children.
Teach them to use an eraser. Apply to write letters to the right formation. How to write A certainly not by pulling the center line first. Try to find out from the teachers the child how he should write a letter correctly, and encourage your child to practice writing with the pattern. Using lined paper will be helpful
b. Make sure the child memegan pencil in the correct position while writing. Ideally your child should use a tripod with the grip-style-three fingers. Pencil must be near the end of your thumb held together index and middle fingers. Plastic with a solid grip pencil-style collar may help if your child difficulty holding a pencil correctly.
Train a child with many words. You can do that by reading the joint session, pointing to the word around (such as street signs, product labels, signage) and hang examples of your child's writings in various places in the house.
It's important for all children, even for those who struggle to write, to keep practicing writing by hand. Of course you can teach children the ability to type, even at the age child. However, unless there is a recommendation of therapy child development experts, children should not use a computer with a keyboard for working on school work when their friends complete with handwriting.
Developing children with different acceleration, as well as adults, the results of handwriting can vary between them. Some children have greater difficulty learning the letters, while others may have difficulty writing neatly, or write with style. Sometimes some problems in writing can be a sign of other problems such as difficulty or slowness in learning.
If so, then it's time parents take the child to be examined by specialists in child development. This method can determine whether your child really need therapy or special instruction, or just extra practice at home.
However learning to read and write is one key to success in school and in life more broadly. It is better to give a special reading time for children, or spend some time in the day to write a letter to the child's grandmother. When you write with your child, you have helped your child develop their critical abilities.
FOR My Country Story
FOR Wasior Story
Although this area is so far out of reach. But this bond is still one, and my friends .. my prayers engraved for you.
Is there the sky was still filled with dark, brother? Be thankful because HE still give life to become better.
The distance between us is separated by sea, but be patient friends help .. it will come. Only in Him shall ye can ask for ... although many who go away .. but you're always my heart .. friends in a country.
This Poetry for the Earth ...
Earth .. CAN I make you calm ..
When you're angry because of continued wounded ..
Earth, would I accompany ..
When many people who lack an understanding of yourself ..
Earth .. Can I help you ..
Passing the time, by trying to understand the times and people who kept changing ..
Earth .. Please forgive us for failing to remember you as part of our gratitude to him.
Difficulty Sleeping
Good Friday, MY FRIENDS.. last night what can you sleep well? You know what, it turns our bodies also need to sleep .. very strange if there are people who say that he is strong and does not need to sleep,. But some among us have felt that he could not sleep .. today I will give-way unique way to get to sleep ...
1. My mother said, if you want to go to sleep .. we should first cleanse themselves with her ablution. Please do not ask me what it is .. ablution? ok.
2. people say, drink warm water can also make us sleep .. do not remember that contain alcohol and caffeine ..
3. he is also one who finished the swim faster sleepy. but what it is, you will swim the middle of the night ..
4. mild exercise, if that is I never did .. and was quite successful.
5. my friend told me a lot of eating that can make us sleepy .. fast so he would eat less in daylight hours because he might fall asleep in class.
6. people who previously cried, could go to sleep too.

7. first person story that is by counting 100-100 animals. but I'm not sure .. because I have not tried it as well.
8. people who have lots of thoughts, like my father was fast sleep. maybe he's tired.
9. what you know, if this day we travel, our body will feel tired and this will make us fast asleep.
10. when my friend told me, he would quickly fall asleep if that time he read the book let alone read the book very much physics formulas.
1. My mother said, if you want to go to sleep .. we should first cleanse themselves with her ablution. Please do not ask me what it is .. ablution? ok.
2. people say, drink warm water can also make us sleep .. do not remember that contain alcohol and caffeine ..
3. he is also one who finished the swim faster sleepy. but what it is, you will swim the middle of the night ..
4. mild exercise, if that is I never did .. and was quite successful.
5. my friend told me a lot of eating that can make us sleepy .. fast so he would eat less in daylight hours because he might fall asleep in class.
6. people who previously cried, could go to sleep too.
7. first person story that is by counting 100-100 animals. but I'm not sure .. because I have not tried it as well.
8. people who have lots of thoughts, like my father was fast sleep. maybe he's tired.
9. what you know, if this day we travel, our body will feel tired and this will make us fast asleep.
10. when my friend told me, he would quickly fall asleep if that time he read the book let alone read the book very much physics formulas.
That's 10 ways that I give to friends today, hopefully after you make one of them, maybe that initially could not sleep can sleep soundly.spirit yes, my friends. do not let lack of sleep you actually disrupt your daily activities.
Stealth Aircraft
Stealth Aircraft
Stealth aircraft is a plane designed to absorb and deflect radar uses stealth technology, making it more difficult to detect. In general, the goal is to launch an attack while he was still outside enemy detection. F-117 Nighthawk is one type of stealth aircraft that use the United States Air Force in the Gulf War.
Stealth aircraft has the ability to avoid detection, both in visual detection, audio, heat sensors, as well as radio waves (radar). Visually, the plane is more difficult to see if has the same color as the background color (camouflage). The audio, of course, trying to make the plane more calmly.
The heat sensors, aircraft are usually detected from the heat arising from the body or from the surrounding air temperature. Hottest part of the plane is typically the channel air exhaust or engine exhaust and the leading edge (the plane that first split the air). Heat from the exhaust can be reduced by mixing the spray engine with cold air from the outside of the fuselage before it is exhaled out of the plane and extend the exhaust pipe (such as A-4 Skyhawk Indonesia which have exhaust is longer than the standard version). Exhaust part is usually pursued by anti-aircraft missiles with infrared sensors. However, modern heat-seeking missile is now also have the ability to detect and chase the heat generated due to friction with the air surface of the fuselage.
Detection of a radio wave is to prevent radio waves from the radar is reflected from the fuselage and back to the radar. Radio waves can be absorbed if the fuselage is coated RAM (Radar Absorbent Material), is reflected in the other direction, or such that the wave is lost or mutually exclusive (it is this which underlies the form of stealth aircraft which have a shape other than ordinary aircraft or a little strange .)
Stealth aircraft are usually not 100% undetectable radar. But because it has the RCS (Radar Cross Section) is small, only visible on the radar screen for hordes of birds, not planes.
Inventors Beast Technology
'Beast' was developed by a Russian scientist, in 1966 by Dr. Pyotr Ufimtsevthrough a working paper entitled the method of edge waves in the physical theory Diffraction (Method of Edge Waves in Physical Theory of Diffraction), which is a working paper which is long enough but not long-winded, published by one of the media in Moscow in 1966. But this paper does not get a warm welcome by experts there, because a lot of content that can not be digested by common sense. In fact Ufimtsev is an experienced expert in the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering.
The idea of pure Ufimtsev pelumpuhan formulation is its network of radar and the conclusions drawn from raw British expert James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, where after they are mixed many times coupled with integrated reasoning, Ufimtsev calculates new ways, which form a specific geometric shape of space reflect electromagnetic radiation. By creating a radar cross calculations that can be easily overpowered. He set a two-dimensional formula-sided configuration, the form of ordinances to tamper with the components in a radar. As a result, radar can be impaired when distracted by a two-dimensional ray earlier. Ray was actually still not enough but if it is carefully calculated from it can be created three-dimensional plane is difficult to track radar.
Theoretically, a lot of power to paralyze stealth, but very much needed computer network that works very fast. Exactly like watching the ball by using binoculars which can be localized, but do not expect to menjejaknya so like a ball being played, the players are dribbling somewhere and can not shoot the ball that flies off somewhere at him with a pellet gun.
In 1979, Russia developed a reconnaissance plane and the pilot was successful anti-aircraft radar to deceive the United States in the Nevada desert.
In 1976, a copy was eventually leaked and fell into the hands of the United States, then translated by the U.S. Air Force technology division. Routinely, the experts at the Air Force elicit, analyze and develop these steath technology. Among a spy plane SR-71 Blackbird, F-117 and B-2.
Principle Aircraft Beast
In principle, so that the plane was a stealth (invisible) dalah how to reduce the Radar Cross Section (RCS), which appear on radar. Steps to be done is to make the design of the plane such that the surfaces of aircraft as small as possible reflect the emitted radar energy to be recaptured by the radar antenna. Even if necessary form the plane did not reflect radar energy. If reflected, labored to bounce radar energy is directed in another direction so that if one is caught again, at least only a small portion. For that, the plane made a strange shape not as usual. As an example, the form of B-2 aircraft which has a range that is as long range DC-10 aircraft but made for flat and curved shape in the middle of the body. With this form, in addition to the radar beam velocity is slowed down also gives the reflection effect in all directions.
Wing shape also affect the reflection of radar energy emitted. Form of the old wing straight into the side for example, provide a perfect reflection so that the aircraft is easily detected. on the screen, point the planes RCS looks great. Given this, then people make sayung wings backward, indeed minimize the reflection but not satisfactory due to the greater RCS, then be made to Delta that makes most of the radar beam on the wing, largely exiled to the other direction. Then made the wings with crescent shape like those of the next-generation planes. By creating an arch in the wing, leading edge, then bounce the other way more perfect.
Another design is to form a plane-sided facet facets kubustik such as eye shape, as in the eyes of dragonflies. Forms are also found on the helicopter on the generation of 1980-1990's as the AH-1 Cobra and AH-64 Apache so that the reflection of radar is not returned to the radar antenna.
Then the general design of stealth aircraft does not permit the pylon or missile or rocket hanger suspended from the body and wings of aircraft such as encountered in the general plane. So that the missile was placed on the shelf-bomb (bomb bay) special.
Another way that is by using a special material known as RAM (Radar Anti-material) that be an energy absorbing material radar beam. The materials include epoxy composites graphyte form of carbon. Because of that, then do not terpantulkan radar energy.
Nevertheless, the bill still is not perfect to fool radar. For example, the F-117 stealth aircraft had been shot down by anti-aircraft missile SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) SA-2 Guideline owned Serbia when NATO air operations in 1999 during the Kosovo Conflict
Aircraft Demon Who Could Fly, Sail and Dive
U.S. wants to develop aircraft capable of diving and can fly hundreds of nautical miles away, the crashing sea malignant and then dive to land commandos on the coast of the enemy.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency AS (DARPA) acknowledged it has never done this before, "because the design requirements for airplanes that can dive and regular aircraft are diametrically opposed."
However, in a request for proposals like this in this month, his party said it was seeking "a radical new technology that can provide such capabilities to the Department of Defense for the infiltration of small teams secretly on the beach is very famous as lawan.DARPA forerunner of many Pentagon's most revolutionary innovations, from the Internet to the stealth technologies that support the B-2 stealth bomber.
Proposals-proposals require feasibility studies and experiments to prove the concept of aircraft that can dive with the speed and range as regular aircraft, the ability to explore such as boats and stealth properties like stealth ship.
The proposed aircraft must be able to fly commandos 1,000 miles as far as 1850 miles to the sea or the theater of operations, fly close to sea level as far as 185 kilometers others and then moving under the water as far as 22 kilometers.
And these planes can do all that for eight jam.Pesawat would also be able to wander for three days in seas with waves as high as four meter.Bukan that's it. The plane must have enough fuel to pick up the commandos and bring them a meeting point 185 miles away.
Many contradictions
"Given the many different requirements and design considerations, clearly the difficulties faced in the development of aircraft capable of diving, said DARPA, as reported by AFP.
The aircraft was designed as light as possible and can float. In contrast, the submarine need weight to remain under water, and bekulit thick to be able to withstand the pressure under water.
Proposed DARPA stated many previous attempts have failed because their attention is more focused on flying submarine.
"It is difficult to create a propulsion system that is able to make planes with weights like a submarine airborne, on the contrary might be the thing as light as possible for the aircraft platform to be able to dive into the water as long as the operating depths can be minimized."
Paint Radar Absorber
Radar absorbing material or radar absorbing paint, used on the edge of the metal surface. Layers of RAM, also known as iron ball paint, containing a small layer that is coated with carbonyl iron ferrite, the ferrite grains stick on the polymer matrix
Radar waves influenced the changing magnetic field in the layer of RAM, which is in the conversion of their energy into heat. Aircraft should be painted by robots, because the toxic solvents used, only the thickness of the sprayed coating must be observed strictly.
Similarly, the material used to coat the cockpit window of the radar waves would normally enter the cockpit, reflecting something random (the inside of the cockpit has a very complex form), and may return completely to the radar transmitter.
By coating the cockpit window using a thin film of gold metallic materials that help to reduce the profile of radar aircraft, because if the layer of gold film reflects radar waves are coming, most of the energy it is possible to walk straight or waste instead of returning to the radar transmitter again.
Film of metallic gold thin enough so as not to affect the pilots view
Stealth aircraft is a plane designed to absorb and deflect radar uses stealth technology, making it more difficult to detect. In general, the goal is to launch an attack while he was still outside enemy detection. F-117 Nighthawk is one type of stealth aircraft that use the United States Air Force in the Gulf War.
Stealth aircraft has the ability to avoid detection, both in visual detection, audio, heat sensors, as well as radio waves (radar). Visually, the plane is more difficult to see if has the same color as the background color (camouflage). The audio, of course, trying to make the plane more calmly.
The heat sensors, aircraft are usually detected from the heat arising from the body or from the surrounding air temperature. Hottest part of the plane is typically the channel air exhaust or engine exhaust and the leading edge (the plane that first split the air). Heat from the exhaust can be reduced by mixing the spray engine with cold air from the outside of the fuselage before it is exhaled out of the plane and extend the exhaust pipe (such as A-4 Skyhawk Indonesia which have exhaust is longer than the standard version). Exhaust part is usually pursued by anti-aircraft missiles with infrared sensors. However, modern heat-seeking missile is now also have the ability to detect and chase the heat generated due to friction with the air surface of the fuselage.
Detection of a radio wave is to prevent radio waves from the radar is reflected from the fuselage and back to the radar. Radio waves can be absorbed if the fuselage is coated RAM (Radar Absorbent Material), is reflected in the other direction, or such that the wave is lost or mutually exclusive (it is this which underlies the form of stealth aircraft which have a shape other than ordinary aircraft or a little strange .)
Stealth aircraft are usually not 100% undetectable radar. But because it has the RCS (Radar Cross Section) is small, only visible on the radar screen for hordes of birds, not planes.
Inventors Beast Technology
'Beast' was developed by a Russian scientist, in 1966 by Dr. Pyotr Ufimtsevthrough a working paper entitled the method of edge waves in the physical theory Diffraction (Method of Edge Waves in Physical Theory of Diffraction), which is a working paper which is long enough but not long-winded, published by one of the media in Moscow in 1966. But this paper does not get a warm welcome by experts there, because a lot of content that can not be digested by common sense. In fact Ufimtsev is an experienced expert in the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering.
The idea of pure Ufimtsev pelumpuhan formulation is its network of radar and the conclusions drawn from raw British expert James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, where after they are mixed many times coupled with integrated reasoning, Ufimtsev calculates new ways, which form a specific geometric shape of space reflect electromagnetic radiation. By creating a radar cross calculations that can be easily overpowered. He set a two-dimensional formula-sided configuration, the form of ordinances to tamper with the components in a radar. As a result, radar can be impaired when distracted by a two-dimensional ray earlier. Ray was actually still not enough but if it is carefully calculated from it can be created three-dimensional plane is difficult to track radar.
Theoretically, a lot of power to paralyze stealth, but very much needed computer network that works very fast. Exactly like watching the ball by using binoculars which can be localized, but do not expect to menjejaknya so like a ball being played, the players are dribbling somewhere and can not shoot the ball that flies off somewhere at him with a pellet gun.
In 1979, Russia developed a reconnaissance plane and the pilot was successful anti-aircraft radar to deceive the United States in the Nevada desert.
In 1976, a copy was eventually leaked and fell into the hands of the United States, then translated by the U.S. Air Force technology division. Routinely, the experts at the Air Force elicit, analyze and develop these steath technology. Among a spy plane SR-71 Blackbird, F-117 and B-2.
Principle Aircraft Beast
In principle, so that the plane was a stealth (invisible) dalah how to reduce the Radar Cross Section (RCS), which appear on radar. Steps to be done is to make the design of the plane such that the surfaces of aircraft as small as possible reflect the emitted radar energy to be recaptured by the radar antenna. Even if necessary form the plane did not reflect radar energy. If reflected, labored to bounce radar energy is directed in another direction so that if one is caught again, at least only a small portion. For that, the plane made a strange shape not as usual. As an example, the form of B-2 aircraft which has a range that is as long range DC-10 aircraft but made for flat and curved shape in the middle of the body. With this form, in addition to the radar beam velocity is slowed down also gives the reflection effect in all directions.
Wing shape also affect the reflection of radar energy emitted. Form of the old wing straight into the side for example, provide a perfect reflection so that the aircraft is easily detected. on the screen, point the planes RCS looks great. Given this, then people make sayung wings backward, indeed minimize the reflection but not satisfactory due to the greater RCS, then be made to Delta that makes most of the radar beam on the wing, largely exiled to the other direction. Then made the wings with crescent shape like those of the next-generation planes. By creating an arch in the wing, leading edge, then bounce the other way more perfect.
Another design is to form a plane-sided facet facets kubustik such as eye shape, as in the eyes of dragonflies. Forms are also found on the helicopter on the generation of 1980-1990's as the AH-1 Cobra and AH-64 Apache so that the reflection of radar is not returned to the radar antenna.
Then the general design of stealth aircraft does not permit the pylon or missile or rocket hanger suspended from the body and wings of aircraft such as encountered in the general plane. So that the missile was placed on the shelf-bomb (bomb bay) special.
Another way that is by using a special material known as RAM (Radar Anti-material) that be an energy absorbing material radar beam. The materials include epoxy composites graphyte form of carbon. Because of that, then do not terpantulkan radar energy.
Nevertheless, the bill still is not perfect to fool radar. For example, the F-117 stealth aircraft had been shot down by anti-aircraft missile SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) SA-2 Guideline owned Serbia when NATO air operations in 1999 during the Kosovo Conflict
Aircraft Demon Who Could Fly, Sail and Dive
U.S. wants to develop aircraft capable of diving and can fly hundreds of nautical miles away, the crashing sea malignant and then dive to land commandos on the coast of the enemy.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency AS (DARPA) acknowledged it has never done this before, "because the design requirements for airplanes that can dive and regular aircraft are diametrically opposed."
However, in a request for proposals like this in this month, his party said it was seeking "a radical new technology that can provide such capabilities to the Department of Defense for the infiltration of small teams secretly on the beach is very famous as lawan.DARPA forerunner of many Pentagon's most revolutionary innovations, from the Internet to the stealth technologies that support the B-2 stealth bomber.
Proposals-proposals require feasibility studies and experiments to prove the concept of aircraft that can dive with the speed and range as regular aircraft, the ability to explore such as boats and stealth properties like stealth ship.
The proposed aircraft must be able to fly commandos 1,000 miles as far as 1850 miles to the sea or the theater of operations, fly close to sea level as far as 185 kilometers others and then moving under the water as far as 22 kilometers.
And these planes can do all that for eight jam.Pesawat would also be able to wander for three days in seas with waves as high as four meter.Bukan that's it. The plane must have enough fuel to pick up the commandos and bring them a meeting point 185 miles away.
Many contradictions
"Given the many different requirements and design considerations, clearly the difficulties faced in the development of aircraft capable of diving, said DARPA, as reported by AFP.
The aircraft was designed as light as possible and can float. In contrast, the submarine need weight to remain under water, and bekulit thick to be able to withstand the pressure under water.
Proposed DARPA stated many previous attempts have failed because their attention is more focused on flying submarine.
"It is difficult to create a propulsion system that is able to make planes with weights like a submarine airborne, on the contrary might be the thing as light as possible for the aircraft platform to be able to dive into the water as long as the operating depths can be minimized."
Paint Radar Absorber
Radar absorbing material or radar absorbing paint, used on the edge of the metal surface. Layers of RAM, also known as iron ball paint, containing a small layer that is coated with carbonyl iron ferrite, the ferrite grains stick on the polymer matrix
Radar waves influenced the changing magnetic field in the layer of RAM, which is in the conversion of their energy into heat. Aircraft should be painted by robots, because the toxic solvents used, only the thickness of the sprayed coating must be observed strictly.
Similarly, the material used to coat the cockpit window of the radar waves would normally enter the cockpit, reflecting something random (the inside of the cockpit has a very complex form), and may return completely to the radar transmitter.
By coating the cockpit window using a thin film of gold metallic materials that help to reduce the profile of radar aircraft, because if the layer of gold film reflects radar waves are coming, most of the energy it is possible to walk straight or waste instead of returning to the radar transmitter again.
Film of metallic gold thin enough so as not to affect the pilots view
Thermonuclear reaction
Thermonuclear reactions as a Source of Solar Energy
That every day the sun radiates light to the earth and also to other planets exist in our own solar, is the source of life for all living beings on this earth. Transmitting solar energy reaching the earth has been ongoing since about 5 billion years ago and will continue until an unknown time.
Solar energy is as if nothing was going to run out, interesting to watch because it was the source of the sun's energy comes from thermonuclear reactions are very powerful and generates heat in the order of millions of degrees Celsius. Because the source of solar energy comes from thermonuclear reactions, means energy can be reduced and eventually will run out when the reactants involved in the thermonuclear reaction has been reacted. If the reactant that reacts has been exhausted, then the sun will be extinguished and this means death to all living beings on this earth. This paper will discuss how the thermonuclear reaction could occur in the sun, how much heat it produces and when the thermonuclear reaction will stop or when the sun goes out.
The temperature of the Sun
According to modern astronomers who study the existence of the stars in the universe, our sun is one star among which there are 100 million stars in a galaxy group or groups of stars called "Milky Way". The sun is a star that actually includes an average amount compared to the size of other stars. Many other stars are much larger in size than the size of our sun. The diameter of the sun 1.4 million kilometers, which means 100 times the diameter of the earth. Sun's gravity is stronger than the gravity on Earth, which is 28 times stronger than Earth's gravity. Light bintangpun is a much more light which means its temperature is much hotter than the temperature of our sun. The sun looks very large compared with scattered stars in the universe because it was relatively very close to the earth, which is about 150 million kilometers. The closest star to Earth is Alpha Centauri star a distance 40,000,000,000,000 kilometers from earth. How does the position of the sun to the earth and other planets in our solar system can be seen in Figure 1. The sun as a nuclear kitchen produces extremely high heat that results from the thermonuclear reactions that occur in the sun. The temperature at the center of the sun (the nucleus) is estimated to reach more than 14 million º C, while its surface temperature is relatively cool, around 5000-6000 º C.
The structure of the sun consists of several parts, which is in the center called the "core of the sun", then part of the core of the sun to the solar surface called the "photosphere". On the surface there is a section called "sunspots" which appear darker, because the temperature is relatively cooler than other parts. Temperatures sunspots around 4000 º C, cooler than the temperature at the surface of the sun, so naturally if it appears darker when viewed with the "coronagraph".
Solar Atmosphere
Sun's atmosphere located above the surface of the sun, mostly in the form of hydrogen gas. Solar atmosphere consists of 2 main parts, namely "chromospher" and "corona". Section thickness of the chromosphere can reach 12,000 kilometers from the sun's surface, while the corona looks like a white crown that circles the sun. Corona can reach heights up to hundreds of thousands even millions of kilometers from the surface matahari.Suhu the chromosphere and the corona is very much different. Chromosphere which is located on the solar surface temperatures around 5,000 º C, while temperatures in the corona can reach around 10000-100000 º C, or even higher.
Temperature corona is much hotter than the chromosphere temperature, whereas more distant from the sun's core could raise questions among experts astronomy and astrophysics. Higher temperatures in the corona was due to a "very strong shock wave" that originated from the photosphere into turbulent motion that heats the gas layer in the corona. Apart from that, on the surface of the chromosphere often occurs due to the eruption of flame or a gas explosion on the surface of the chromosphere. The eruption or explosion caused flames is often referred to as "Prominence". This flame can reach a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the surface of the chromosphere. Prominence can be seen clearly in the event of a total solar eclipse.
Another event that occurs on the surface of the chromosphere is the emergence of gas filament chromosphere due to the movement of hot gases. Filament this gas on the surface of the chromosphere appears as a coarse cells called "supergranulation". Such incidents occur one after another over the menyebebkan emergence of "Plage" and "flare". Plage is a state when the hot sun and bright light. While the flares are bursts of high energy from the sun's surface, in the form of sub atomic particle radiation. These sub-atomic particle radiation to reach the Earth's atmosphere and trigger a nuclear reaction which is the source radiaasi kosmogenis.
Thermonuclear reaction
It has long been the thought of where it came from the sun's energy is so hot and transmitted to Earth every day, but until now there has been also been a source of energy. Until the mid 19th century, when people are not familiar with nuclear reactions, people still think that solar energy comes from a large fireball is extremely hot. If it is true that the sun comes from a large fireball, then the question arises what is the fuel that fire ball? The scientists at that time can not answer correctly. Could it be wood, coal, oil or other fuel contained in the sun that burned under ordinary chemical reaction that leads into the huge fireball? If the correct materials are burned to generate solar energy, and based on the calculation of chemical reaction, the energy produced can only survive a few thousand years. After that the sun would be extinguished. Though the sun has been emitting energy since even the order of hundreds of millions of billion years ago. Thus, the assumption that the source of the sun's energy comes from wood, coal, oil or other fuels is not true. The experts of astronomy and astrophysics at the time also has been estimated that the chemical elements on Earth are also found in the sun. But most of the chemical elements contained in the sun, about 80% of hydrogen gas. While there is lots of second element in the sun is helium gas, approximately 19% of the total mass of the sun. The remaining 1% consists of the elements Oxygen, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Silicon, Carbon, Sulfur, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Nickel, and several other elements. Chemical elements are mixed together in the form of sub-atomic gas consisting of nuclei, electrons, protons, neutrons and positrons. Gas sub-atomic energy emits very very hot so-called "plasma". Solar energy is emitted into the earth in various forms of electromagnetic waves, ranging from long radio waves and the short wave infrared rays, visible light waves, ultraviolet rays and x-ray wave. In the visual senses that can be captured by the eye is visible light, infrared rays while felt as heat. Other forms of electromagnetic waves can only be captured with the aid of special equipment, such as nuclear detector follows other devices. At the time the sun had Plage energy that emit very, very hot, then followed by the occurrence of flares are bursts of sub-atomic particles out of the sun heading into space, then the solar system is estimated to have been a very powerful thermonuclear reaction. This condition was first suspected in 1939 by a German-American physicist named Hans Bethe. According to Bethe, solar energy is very very hot because it was caused by the fusion reaction or mild core merging into a heavier nucleus. Thermonuclear reaction in the form of a fusion reaction is the incorporation of 4 core hydrogen into helium nucleus, based on the following nuclear reaction equations: (H1 + H1 -> H2 + Beta + + v + 0.42 MeV) x 2
(H1 + H2 -> he3 + Gamma + 5.5 MeV) x 2
He3 he3 + -> 2H1 + He4 + 12.8 MeV
---------------------------------------- +
H1 -> He4 + 2Beta + + 2Gamma + 2v + 24.64 MeV
According to Bethe, nuclear reaction similar fusion reactions mentioned above, can generate heat energy very, very powerful. Apart from that, because most of the mass of the sun is composed of hydrogen gas (80%) and helium gas (19%), then there is the possibility of other fusion reactions based on proton-proton chain reaction as follows:
H1 + H1 -> H2 + Beta + + v
H1 + H2 -> he3 + Gamma
He3 + He4 -> Be7 + Gamma
Be7 + Beta + -> Li7 + Gamma + v
------------------------------------ +
Li7 + H1 -> He4 + He4
Helium gas formation on the basis of thermonuclear reactions mentioned above also generate energy that is very very hot. Alternatively, the helium gas may also be formed through the following nuclear reaction:
Be7 + H1 -> B8 + Gamma
B8 -> Be8 + Beta + + v
Be8 -> He4 + He4
Although the above mentioned nuclear reaction to produce energy is very, very hot, there are other possibilities for the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions that produce solar energy far more powerful and hotter again. Thermonuclear reaction will follow the chain of nuclear reaction Carbon - Nitrogen as follows:
C12 + H1 -> N13 + Gamma
N13 -> C13 + Beta + + v
C13 + H1 -> N14 + Gamma
N14 + H1 -> O15 + Gamma
O15 -> N15 + Beta + + v
N15 + H1 -> C12 + He4
Reaction ratai Carbon - Nitrogen mentioned above, producing heat much hotter than the chain reaction Proton - Proton and hydrogen into helium fusion reactions. Thermonuclear reactions described above may occur in the sun and also at the stars scattered in the universe. Thermonuclear reactions so far considered as a source of solar energy and energy star. The star that shines brighter than our sun, which means also that the temperatures are much hotter, then the thermonuclear reactions that occur on these stars generally will follow the chain reaction of Carbon - Nitrogen.
When did the Sun Will Off?
The question of when the sun goes out is a difficult question to answer with certainty, especially if it should prove true. But just as human curiosity to find out how old the earth or when the formation of this earth, then the ahlipun attempt by minds to estimate when the sun goes out. As has been explained in advance, that the sun will be extinguished when the thermonuclear reactions in the sun has stopped. When the sun goes out, then life on earth will cease. Empirically has proven that there are stars who shine brightly at first, but then the more its light is dim and finally goes out. This situation has been recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope. On this basis it can be just the sun at some point will be extinguished. A German physicist, Hermann von Helmholtz, in 1825 observed the development of the diameter of the sun that turns the sun every year shrank 85 m. If the Helmholtz observation is correct, then based on the calculation of depreciation diameter of the sun, aging sun will only last for 20 million to 25 million years from the sun experienced shrinkage. For that period, the Helmholtz theory is quite satisfactory to the scientists, before finally aborted by the theory of thermonuclear reactions that still survive to this day. On the basis of thermonuclear theory of Helmholtz's theory, of course, be incorrect, because in reality the sun has been shining since the order of 5 billion years ago or even more than that, an age that exceeds the estimated Helmholtz. Thermonuclear reactions proposed by Hans Bethe as has been described above, is similar to conventional chemical reactions in the sense that the reaction is still to take place during still available or reactant elements that cause a thermonuclear reaction is the process. In the thermonuclear reactions that occur in the sun, as the main reactant is hydrogen gas. Astronomy and astrophysics experts argue that with increasing age of the sun, the use of hydrogen for thermonuclear reactions in order to get the energy growing very, very hot. In this event the energy generated by thermonuclear reactions also increases, so the radiant energy emitted by the sun also increases. This means the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will rise and the earth will be felt increasingly panas.Apabila opinions of experts on astronomy and astrophysics is true, that with increasing age of the sun will make the supply of Hydrogen gas on the surface of the sun decreases, then it is clear that sooner or later the sun finally will be extinguished. Based on this theory of solar radiation energy is estimated to still be able to survive for a period of approximately 10 billion years from now, after the sun goes out. An example of a star is currently in the process leading to the situation goes out, has to be recorded by the space telescope picture Hublle. This empirically shows the possibility that the same could happen to our sun. Namu what happens will happen before waku 10,000,000,000. year occur? In theory the way to the time 10,000,000,000. , the temperature of the earth's atmosphere will continue to rise due to energy radiation coming from the sun grew hot. This situation will cause the ice in the north and south poles will melt resulting in tenggelammnya some land or shoreline will be shifted towards the mainland. Cities that were on the beach will be drowned. This is just the beginning of disaster for human life on this earth. The next disaster is menguapnya all the water on this earth, because the temperature of the earth's atmosphere the more heat that ultimately there is no water on earth. Earth menjadin dry with no water at all and the hot temperature causes the termination of life on this earth. This condition occurs aka approaching 10 billion years ahead of time to come.
When the sun runs out of hydrogen gas reactants, the thermonuclear reaction is really going to quit and this means the sun goes out. That have been extinguished sun will mengeci; l (menyusust) to a smaller planets that cold freezes called "White Dwarfs" or the white dwarf which is not more sun! Example of a star or planet that has become a "white dwarf" in the universe has quite a lot, one of the only planet in the star is currently heading the death as recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Binding energy, mass defect and binding energy core
Similar charges close together have rejected the so-called repulsive coulomb force. Repulsion between protons in the nucleus refused tend urgent protons out of the nucleus.
Two mass (nucleon) adjacent to each other have the attraction force called gravity.
Mathematically the force of gravity is much smaller than the coulomb force, so it is clear there must be another force that is able to overcome the coulomb force for protons remain in the core. This style is called Ikat Style Style Pull Core or Core or Nuclear Force.
The mass of an atom can be measured using an instrument called a Mass Spectrometer. The mass of stable nuclei that can be obtained from the measurement results are always smaller than the number of constituent masses. The excess mass of the above is called mass defect.
According to Einstein's the difference between the mass of the core with the core constituent mass converted to energy in the core called Core Energy Tie.
Core division
If a shot with heavy core particles, heavy nucleus can be split into two lighter nuclei. This event is called the core division or fission. Mass after the reaction will be smaller than the mass before the reaction. Mass reduction will be accompanied by a large release of energy.
Examples of well-known fission reactions happen in a nuclear reactor. An neutron were fired at the core of uranium-235. The result is uranium-236 with a short life because it is unstable. Uranium-236 immediately broke out into another element which is barium-141 and krypton-92 with fast neutrons.
Not always the core of the resulting light is Ba-141 and Kr-92. Many possible pairs are produced. Neutrons produced would
different for each reaction. Will average 2 to 5 neutrons produced in reaction to the shooting of uranium-235 by neutrons.
If one who was shot just uranium atoms with neutrons will be produced several fast neutrons. Some of these neutrons will strike again a few atoms of uranium and will produce more neutrons. This event will continue to repeat with fast neutrons produces more and will involve more uranium nuclei. Nuclear reaction is called a chain reaction. If this is not controlled chain reaction would involve a very large energy. This happens in the atomic bomb. If the nuclear reaction is controlled, the energy will be obtained which is very useful for mankind. This occurred at a nuclear reactor.
Core Merger
The opposite of fission, the nucleus incorporation reaction in which two light nuclei combine into a heavier nucleus compared to each core. This reaction is called fusion. Heavier nucleus here that does not mean the reaction mass after the core becomes larger than the mass before the reaction. On the contrary, the mass after the reaction is mild compared to the mass before the reaction so that the released energy.
Understanding heavier core meaning is the result of the reaction mass number larger than the mass number of each core of the reactants (reagents).
To incorporate the core, the core must be brought near-core. It takes great energy to do this in order to withstand the force repelling the nucleus to be treated. For this purpose, each core must have high speed so that the repulsive force can be overcome. Core that has high speed is obtained only if the core temperature is very high.
The reaction requires high temperature is called thermonuclear reaction. Thermonuclear reaction is more pronounced in the sun and stars that have a high temperature.
Examples of fusion reaction is a reaction that occurs in stars and the sun.
Examples of other fusion reactions are the hydrogen bomb detonation event. Atomic bomb was detonated at Nagasaki and Hiroshima is a fission reaction, while the hydrogen bomb is the result of uncontrolled fusion reaction.
To get very high temperatures, used first fission bomb. Heat obtained allows fusion reactions. So the hydrogen bomb, there are two nuclear reactions are fission and fusion with fission only as a tool to obtain very high temperatures.
Fission Reaction
is the fission reactions of heavy nuclei into lighter nuclei and elementary particles, accompanied by a large release of energy.
In a fission reaction of lithium shot core with protons so that split into two light helium nucleus.
If the atomic mass of each nukleda is: = 1.007825 u,
= 7.016003 u,
= 4.002602 u,
Calculate the energy released in these reactions?
+ + + Q
Q = ((1.007825 + 7.016003 + 4.002602)) 931 MeV = 17.3 MeV
So for every atom which divides the energy released at 17.3 MeV.
Who sparked the atomic fission reaction?
People of Fission Reaction:
Fusion Reaction
is a reaction to the merger of two light nuclei into heavier nuclei and elementary particles, accompanied by a very large release of energy.
why the fusion reaction is called thermonuclear reaction?
to combine light nuclei required a very high temperature, which is about 1108 OC, so-called reaction thermonuclear fusion reactions.
The fusion reaction produces a very powerful energy.
What is to be controlled thermonuclear reaction in the reactor?
To control the thermonuclear reaction in the reactor required special conditions, namely:
1. The temperature must be very high at around 1108 OC;
2. At that temperature all the atoms have been ionized to form plasma;
3. Requires funds and knowledge is very high.
Where can we find the fusion reaction?
Applications Fusion Reaction:
1. Nuclear fusion reactions in stars (the Sun)
Reaction equation, there are 3 stages:
The first and second reaction occurs twice to produce, both positron eliminate each other with an electron and produce electromagnetic radiation with energies of 1.02 MeV, so that briefly above reaction can
2. Nuclear fusion reaction in hydrogen bomb
The reaction equation:
Reaction Core
is the process of change that occurs in the nucleus of an atom due to collision with another particle or a place by itself.
Nuclear reaction was discovered by Rutherford in 1919.
Nucleus Reaction equation:
Q: heat (joules)
X: The core objective
Y: the new Core
a: Particle shooter
b: The particles produced with the new core
The laws of what underlies the nuclear reaction?
Nucleus Reaction equation:
The laws in effect on the nuclear reaction is:
Legal kekekalam momentum, namely: the amount of momentum before and after the collision is the same.
Humum conservation of energy, namely: the amount of energy before and after the collision is the same.
The law of conservation of atomic number, namely: the number of atomic numbers before and after the collision is the same. then R + S = T + U
The law of conservation of mass number, ie: the amount of momentum before and after the collision is the same. then M + N = O + P
Bagamana how to calculate the energy released / required in nuclear reaction?
Formulas for calculating the energy released / required in nuclear reaction:
1. Q = Ep. N
Q: total energy (joules)
Ep: 1 count each reaction energy = (joules)
N: number of particles
2. Q =
Q: total energy (MeV)
: The number of atomic mass of the reactants (sma)
: Atomic mass number of products (sma)
Education Administration
Self-development is an educational activity to develop skills in administration.
Knowledge and skills that carried long-term aim is for administrative staff and developing science that has been learned and practiced in schools. Administration is necessary for the survival of teaching and learning processes in education. All that can not be separated from the liveliness of the people who control the administration of the school. People often underestimate the administration, but if the administration held the same people who are less skilled then the administration will be a mess. People who hold administraasi is a person who has been trained in the field (people who already have knowledge / training).
Administration not only in financial terms but also in the neatness / orderliness us in the books.
Administration is not only done within a certain time but every day continuously.
Administration is an effort to make the collaborative activities between teachers and employees for more effective teaching and learning process.
Administration of educational facilities is of great support for the achievement of a goal of education, as a personal education we are required to mastering and understanding the administrative facilities and infrastructure, to enhance effective and efficient working and able to appreciate the work ethic of personal fellow education, so that will create harmony, comfort and a sense of pride can lead to a good school citizens and residents of surrounding communities. Environmental education will be positive or negative depends on the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure administration itself. Lack of personal knowledge of the school administration will be administrative facilities and educational infrastructure, and lack of interest from them to know and understand it very seriously, therefore we put together this paper.
A. Understanding Understanding Education Administration review of educational administration will be explained in its various aspects. Let's look at the administration of education in its various aspects, in order that we can understand it better.
* First, educational administration have an understanding of working together to achieve educational goals. As we know, the purpose of education that extends from the goals simple to complex order, depending on the scope and level of understanding is education. The purpose of education in a one hour lesson in first grade junior high school, for example, more easily defined and achieved compared with the aim of special education schools for adults, or national education goals. If the goal is complex, then how to achieve that goal too complex, and often such a goal could not be achieved by one person alone, but must be through cooperation with others, with all aspects of its complexity.
Second, educational administration implies mencpai process for educational purposes. The process begins from planning, organizing, directing, guiding, and assessment. Planning includes activities define what is to be achieved, how to get there, how long, how many people are needed and how much it will cost.
* Planning is made before any action undertaken. Third, the administration of education can be viewed with a frame of mind the system. Overall system is composed of the parts and the parts that interact in sautu process to convert inputs into outputs.
Fourth, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of management. If the administration viewed from this angle, the attention turned to the effort to see whether the use of existing resources in achieving the goals of education has reached the target set and whether the achievement goals that did not happen extravagance. The source in question can be a source of people, money, facilities, and infrastructures as well as time.
Fifth, the educational administration can also be viewed in terms of leadership. Educational administration leadership viewed from an attempt to question how the ability of administrators menajwab penddikan it, whether he can carry out tut wuri handayani, Mangun Karso Madyo ing and ing Ngarso sungtulodo in achieving educational goals.
* Sixth, the administration of education also can be seen from the decision making process. We know that working together and leading the activities of a group of people is not an easy job. Each time, administrators confronted with a variety of problems, and he must solve the problem. Seventh, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of communication. Communication can be interpreted simply as an attempt to make others understand what we mean and we also understand what it meant someone else.
Eighth, the administration is often interpreted in a narrow sense that is credible form of administration that essentially dalah routine record-notes, documenting activities, held a correspondence with all its aspects, and prepare reports.
B. Education Administration Functions Exposure of administrative functions, especially in the context of school education needs to start from an overview of the goals of education. This is caused by the principle that basically amdinistrasi education activities intended to achieve the educational goals. The objective was achieved through a series of businesses, ranging from planning to carry out an evaluation of the business. Basically, the administrative function is the process of achieving that goal through a series of efforts (Longenecker, 1964). Therefore, the functions of educational administration as a series of processes discussed cooperation to achieve the educational goals.
The aim of education should be discussed here for reasons as follows:
a). purpose of education is a derived from the national education goals. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship needs to be done.
b), the purpose of education is the starting point of educational administration at the school level, and
c), the purpose of education is also a measure of the success of educational administration at the level of education. 2. The process as a function of education administration in order for the activities of educational administration component can run well and achieve the objectives, activities must be managed through something which is the stage of the process cycle (cycle), starting from planning, pengorganisassi, directing, coordinating, financing, monitoring, and assessment as has been alluded to an outline in the previous section.
Below will be described in more detail the process.
a. Planning Planning is the selection of a number of alternatives regarding the achievement of determination procedures, and estimates the resources that can be provided to achieve that goal. The meaning of sources including human resources, materials, money, and time. In planning, we know of several stages, namely stage,
a). identification problem,
b) formulation of the problem,
c). goal setting,
d). identification of alternatives,
e). alternative selection, and
f). alternative elaboration.
b. Organizing the school can be defined as the whole process to select and sort out the people (teachers and other school personnel) and allocate infrastructure and advice to support the task of these people in order to achieve school goals. Included in the activities of the organization is the determination of duties, responsibilities, and authority of such persons, and the mechanism works so that it can be the achievement of school goals.
c. Briefing Briefing interpreted as an attempt to keep what has been planned to run as you see fit. Suharsimi Arikunto (1988) gives the definition of guidance as an explanation, instructions, and deliberations and guidance of pre officers involved, both structurally and functionally for the implementation of the task can proceed smoothly.
d. Coordinating Coordinating the school interpreted as an attempt to integrate the activities of various individuals or units at the school for their activities to walk in harmony with the member or other units in an effort to achieve school goals.
e. Financing Financing is an activity to get the school fees and manage the budget revenue and expenditure secondary education. This activity starts from the planning cost, effort to obtain funds to support the plan, use, and monitoring the use of the budget.
f. Assessment In certain times, the school, in general or members of organizations such as teachers, principals, and students in particular should make an assessment about how far the intended purpose is achieved, and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the program implemented. In more detail the purpose of assessment is to:
a) obtain a basis for consideration of whether the end of a period of employment is successful,
b). ensure how to work effectively and efficiently,
c). get the facts about kesurakan menghidarkan-difficulty and to situations that could damage, as well as
d). advance the ability of teachers and parents in developing school organization.
C. Field Scope Educational Administration Garapan From the above description, it appears that the administration of education in essence is that all forms of joint efforts to achieve educational goals by designing, conducting, and utilizing the resources (people, money, equipment, and time).
The purpose of education provide direction and criteria for success credible form of that activity. - Field material administration: administration of activities related to the fields of material. Such as: the school administration, financial administration, tools equipment. - Field personnel administration, which includes the issue of teachers and school officials and so forth. - Field administration curriculum, which includes therein the implementation of curriculum, curriculum development, preparation of syllabus, daily perisapan, and so forth.
D. Role of Teachers in Educational Administration The main task of the teacher is managing the teaching-learning process in a particular environment, ie school. School is a national education subsystem and next to schools, national education system also has other components. Teachers should understand what is happening in the environment works. At school teachers are in school administration, schools carry out activities to produce graduates who are the number and quality determined. Within the scope of the role of the school administration is very important teachers. In setting policy and carrying out the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, financing and assessment of curriculum activities, student, facilities and infrastructure, school personnel, financial and school-community relations, teachers must actively contribute, both mind and strength. School administration is the work that is collaborative, meaning work that is based on cooperation, and not the individual. Therefore, all school personnel including teachers must be involved.
Education and programs aimed to achieve educational goals, the definition of educational administration can be formulated from various points of view of cooperation, the cooperation process, system and mechanism, management, leadership, decision-making processes, communication and administration. Teachers are very instrumental in educational administration, the main task of the teacher as a manager in the process of teaching and learning in certain environments, namely schools
Soetjipto and Raflis Koasai, 2004. Teaching Profession, Melbourne: Rineka Reserved. Daryanto. 2001. Aministrasi Education. New York: Rineka Notices Soetopo Hendyat and Wasty Soemanto, 1982. Operational Pengatar Education Administration, Delhi: National Business. Soetjipto and Raflis Kosasi, the Teaching Profession, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2004). H. 119. Ibid. hl. 130. Daryanto, Education Administration, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2001). h. 26. Soetopo Hendyt and Wasty Soemanto, Introduction to Education Administration Operations, (New York: National Business, 1982), p. 32.
Administration not only in financial terms but also in the neatness / orderliness us in the books.
Administration is not only done within a certain time but every day continuously.
Administration is an effort to make the collaborative activities between teachers and employees for more effective teaching and learning process.
Administration of educational facilities is of great support for the achievement of a goal of education, as a personal education we are required to mastering and understanding the administrative facilities and infrastructure, to enhance effective and efficient working and able to appreciate the work ethic of personal fellow education, so that will create harmony, comfort and a sense of pride can lead to a good school citizens and residents of surrounding communities. Environmental education will be positive or negative depends on the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure administration itself. Lack of personal knowledge of the school administration will be administrative facilities and educational infrastructure, and lack of interest from them to know and understand it very seriously, therefore we put together this paper.
A. Understanding Understanding Education Administration review of educational administration will be explained in its various aspects. Let's look at the administration of education in its various aspects, in order that we can understand it better.
* First, educational administration have an understanding of working together to achieve educational goals. As we know, the purpose of education that extends from the goals simple to complex order, depending on the scope and level of understanding is education. The purpose of education in a one hour lesson in first grade junior high school, for example, more easily defined and achieved compared with the aim of special education schools for adults, or national education goals. If the goal is complex, then how to achieve that goal too complex, and often such a goal could not be achieved by one person alone, but must be through cooperation with others, with all aspects of its complexity.
Second, educational administration implies mencpai process for educational purposes. The process begins from planning, organizing, directing, guiding, and assessment. Planning includes activities define what is to be achieved, how to get there, how long, how many people are needed and how much it will cost.
* Planning is made before any action undertaken. Third, the administration of education can be viewed with a frame of mind the system. Overall system is composed of the parts and the parts that interact in sautu process to convert inputs into outputs.
Fourth, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of management. If the administration viewed from this angle, the attention turned to the effort to see whether the use of existing resources in achieving the goals of education has reached the target set and whether the achievement goals that did not happen extravagance. The source in question can be a source of people, money, facilities, and infrastructures as well as time.
Fifth, the educational administration can also be viewed in terms of leadership. Educational administration leadership viewed from an attempt to question how the ability of administrators menajwab penddikan it, whether he can carry out tut wuri handayani, Mangun Karso Madyo ing and ing Ngarso sungtulodo in achieving educational goals.
* Sixth, the administration of education also can be seen from the decision making process. We know that working together and leading the activities of a group of people is not an easy job. Each time, administrators confronted with a variety of problems, and he must solve the problem. Seventh, educational administration can also be viewed in terms of communication. Communication can be interpreted simply as an attempt to make others understand what we mean and we also understand what it meant someone else.
Eighth, the administration is often interpreted in a narrow sense that is credible form of administration that essentially dalah routine record-notes, documenting activities, held a correspondence with all its aspects, and prepare reports.
B. Education Administration Functions Exposure of administrative functions, especially in the context of school education needs to start from an overview of the goals of education. This is caused by the principle that basically amdinistrasi education activities intended to achieve the educational goals. The objective was achieved through a series of businesses, ranging from planning to carry out an evaluation of the business. Basically, the administrative function is the process of achieving that goal through a series of efforts (Longenecker, 1964). Therefore, the functions of educational administration as a series of processes discussed cooperation to achieve the educational goals.
The aim of education should be discussed here for reasons as follows:
a). purpose of education is a derived from the national education goals. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship needs to be done.
b), the purpose of education is the starting point of educational administration at the school level, and
c), the purpose of education is also a measure of the success of educational administration at the level of education. 2. The process as a function of education administration in order for the activities of educational administration component can run well and achieve the objectives, activities must be managed through something which is the stage of the process cycle (cycle), starting from planning, pengorganisassi, directing, coordinating, financing, monitoring, and assessment as has been alluded to an outline in the previous section.
Below will be described in more detail the process.
a. Planning Planning is the selection of a number of alternatives regarding the achievement of determination procedures, and estimates the resources that can be provided to achieve that goal. The meaning of sources including human resources, materials, money, and time. In planning, we know of several stages, namely stage,
a). identification problem,
b) formulation of the problem,
c). goal setting,
d). identification of alternatives,
e). alternative selection, and
f). alternative elaboration.
b. Organizing the school can be defined as the whole process to select and sort out the people (teachers and other school personnel) and allocate infrastructure and advice to support the task of these people in order to achieve school goals. Included in the activities of the organization is the determination of duties, responsibilities, and authority of such persons, and the mechanism works so that it can be the achievement of school goals.
c. Briefing Briefing interpreted as an attempt to keep what has been planned to run as you see fit. Suharsimi Arikunto (1988) gives the definition of guidance as an explanation, instructions, and deliberations and guidance of pre officers involved, both structurally and functionally for the implementation of the task can proceed smoothly.
d. Coordinating Coordinating the school interpreted as an attempt to integrate the activities of various individuals or units at the school for their activities to walk in harmony with the member or other units in an effort to achieve school goals.
e. Financing Financing is an activity to get the school fees and manage the budget revenue and expenditure secondary education. This activity starts from the planning cost, effort to obtain funds to support the plan, use, and monitoring the use of the budget.
f. Assessment In certain times, the school, in general or members of organizations such as teachers, principals, and students in particular should make an assessment about how far the intended purpose is achieved, and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the program implemented. In more detail the purpose of assessment is to:
a) obtain a basis for consideration of whether the end of a period of employment is successful,
b). ensure how to work effectively and efficiently,
c). get the facts about kesurakan menghidarkan-difficulty and to situations that could damage, as well as
d). advance the ability of teachers and parents in developing school organization.
C. Field Scope Educational Administration Garapan From the above description, it appears that the administration of education in essence is that all forms of joint efforts to achieve educational goals by designing, conducting, and utilizing the resources (people, money, equipment, and time).
The purpose of education provide direction and criteria for success credible form of that activity. - Field material administration: administration of activities related to the fields of material. Such as: the school administration, financial administration, tools equipment. - Field personnel administration, which includes the issue of teachers and school officials and so forth. - Field administration curriculum, which includes therein the implementation of curriculum, curriculum development, preparation of syllabus, daily perisapan, and so forth.
D. Role of Teachers in Educational Administration The main task of the teacher is managing the teaching-learning process in a particular environment, ie school. School is a national education subsystem and next to schools, national education system also has other components. Teachers should understand what is happening in the environment works. At school teachers are in school administration, schools carry out activities to produce graduates who are the number and quality determined. Within the scope of the role of the school administration is very important teachers. In setting policy and carrying out the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, financing and assessment of curriculum activities, student, facilities and infrastructure, school personnel, financial and school-community relations, teachers must actively contribute, both mind and strength. School administration is the work that is collaborative, meaning work that is based on cooperation, and not the individual. Therefore, all school personnel including teachers must be involved.
Education and programs aimed to achieve educational goals, the definition of educational administration can be formulated from various points of view of cooperation, the cooperation process, system and mechanism, management, leadership, decision-making processes, communication and administration. Teachers are very instrumental in educational administration, the main task of the teacher as a manager in the process of teaching and learning in certain environments, namely schools
Soetjipto and Raflis Koasai, 2004. Teaching Profession, Melbourne: Rineka Reserved. Daryanto. 2001. Aministrasi Education. New York: Rineka Notices Soetopo Hendyat and Wasty Soemanto, 1982. Operational Pengatar Education Administration, Delhi: National Business. Soetjipto and Raflis Kosasi, the Teaching Profession, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2004). H. 119. Ibid. hl. 130. Daryanto, Education Administration, (New York: Rineka Copyright, 2001). h. 26. Soetopo Hendyt and Wasty Soemanto, Introduction to Education Administration Operations, (New York: National Business, 1982), p. 32.
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